$60. Buy this. I use it in my real life for sleep apnea
I prefer a cpap machine but I use this when I travel or if my machine isn’t operational. There may be better solutions down the line, but this totally works. Pro tip: I have to (literally) tape my mouth shut when I use this (or when I use cpap machine). There’s very cheap medical tape also on Amazon I use for that. I can link you if you need
This is what I have, but there are many similar. It’s like a sports mouthguard that you custom mold to your teeth, but you do it with your lower jaw jutting forward. This keeps your throat opened up so you don’t snore as much. Like I said, it’s not perfect, but it helps.
PureSleep Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SD5W2KQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LbnmFbYH6K7E5
I tell everybody to buy this mouthguard:
I have to tape my mouth shut with it (which I do with this https://www.amazon.com/Bsn-jobst-Cover-Roll-Bandages-Yds/dp/B0015TK62C?pd_rd_w=BhkuS&content-id=amzn1.sym.e9d1499d-979e-4764-af1a-4b0fc4e747e5&pf_rd_p=e9d1499d-979e-4764-af1a-4b0fc4e747e5&pf_rd_r=FMEAVHNB92KHGKDXZDX0&pd_rd_wg=vv0ZP...).
It feels weird to use. It gives you a super underbite that seems strange and unnatural. But you get used to it. For me it’s almost as effective as a cpap device. I use it on vacation or when my machine is being weird
This is what I bought, but there are many similar.