That poor cat loves you.
Heres some tips though, from a fellow cat owner.
That cat smell throughout your apartment. That's probably the litter itself. Are you using that same litter that basically 90% of cat owners use? They grey sandy kind? I HATE that stuff. Throw it all out. Even throw out the litter box. Get this set up, and keep it next to your toilet in the bathroom. The pellets are clay and flushable, so you just scoop the poop into your toilet. The pee runs down onto an absorbent pad, that you change every week or two. Gets rid of the chemically piss smell.
Get cat nip. Get cat toys. Get a little cat bed. put the cat nip on the toys and bed. cats love to be on their own little platform. Right now, it sounds like you are that platform. Thats annoying.
Call me an asshole, but when my cat is getting too snuggly with me, I blow in his face, and he runs away.
For me, the biggest help was using one of those cat litter boxes that allows for urine to fall below tray. I cut larger gaps in the top tray that allows the poo to fall through, too. The large puppy wee-pads from Costco can be cut in half to absorb the waste. Link below to the system I use.
Because people love getting judgy on reddit, ESPECIALLY when it comes to pets. In the same breath, these people will talk shit about "Karens" and then turn around and go full Karen on a pet owner. It's so stupid.
Clearly, your cats are not in danger. You seem to love them very much. Sometimes there are poops that you don't get to right away in the litter box. I'm not following my cat around all day, wondering if she's ready to drop a deuce. I clean it when I notice it, which is typically once a day, sometimes twice if she's extra poopy. I want to go and investigate these people's litter boxes. I'm sure they're pristine.
By the way, I only clean my cat's pee once a week. I got this awesome litter box this summer and I rarely smell cat pee anymore. It has pads that you change every week. The pellets don't absorb the pee. I was so sick of smelling stinky pee and I almost bought one of those $500 robot litter boxes. This was super cheap and it works great. I highly recommend it!
did you have a long hair bun? I have an Angora a d got her a cat litter box that allows the urine to drop onto a wee pad below. It's super easy to keep clean. They're less than $30 on Amazon and you can get wee pads at Costco for cheap.
Edit: Here's a link to the box Purina Tidy Cats BREEZE Litter System Starter Kit - (1) Box
Here is a link to the litter box I have and its so awesome, basically you put pellets over the grates and there's a replaceable pad that goes underneath that you can just swap out and when it's time to scoop turds the pellets don't stick so you can just flush it down the toilet!
Feline Pine is great! Can't smell it and the litter box has a pee pad so the smell isn't bad at all. I find this system the most managable.
Some of the automated litter boxes use crystals with zero scent. Our cat got sick with diarrhea and those boxes are a nightmare if this happens. But if your kitty is pretty regular those boxes would be darn convenient.
It doesn't clmp, but if you use shifting litterbox or any litter box that has the bottom compartment you can avoid changing the pellets for way longer as you scoop the poop and shake the box till all the saw dust falls in the bottom compartment and then you just take the peed sawdust out. And you have clean litterbox. I have fully restocked the litter once a month with deepcleaning the box. But honestly I don't think it was nececarry as the solid pellets were just as fresh as the New ones... sometimes i can live with cleaning the box every other day and it is not as dirty as clumping clay litter would have been.
(I use breeze litterbox, but there are better and cheaper ones. I Am not fan of this box as the bottom is too small and the breeze pellets were weird. They did not turn into sawdust and were quite smelly, but anyway, here is the box, if you are interested or want to see an example: ) Box is okay, the pellets are expensive and not as low maintnaince as pine pellets. The puppy pads in the bottom if the box - waste of money. Sure some pee will get down there, but the sawdust will absorbe it... and you can easily wash the bottom more freaquently than the whole box. If the bottom was bigger you could shake the sawdust down there for more than one day(it keeps the odor away quite well) but my cat produces full bottom each day
For a litter box, we like and use the Breeze Pellet system. It's a 2-layer litter box. There is pellet litter that holds the solids. This gets scooped as soon as possible after they go (which means, the kids often do this 2x per day). Their pee flows through to the second layer where there are pee pads. These tend to hold the smell in fairly well.
The problem is, it's big. It didn't fit under our sink like we wanted to. So we've taken a pair of cheap small litter boxes and are remaking the same idea. I've drilled a grid of holes into the top litter box. This will hold the pellets and catch the solids. The holes will let the liquids pass through.
The pee pad will be in the bottom one. To give some space, we took a piece of PVC and made a rectangle out of it. The top litter box will sit on this PVC frame.
Has anyone tried the stainless steel litter boxes I've seen on Amazon? They sound like a good idea because I know that over time odor gets in the scratches, etc of the plastic boxes and they doo seem like they'd be easier to clean, with stuff not sticking to them so much.
Amazon has a huge selection of boxes at decent prices. I recommend that you go big, with sides, maybe a place where it dips lower in front for the kitty to enter. Also, I tried the Tidy Cat litter system but it got too expensive with 3 cats, but with one, it would be doable.
Just to add to what others are saying, one of my kitties was declawed by her previous owner and she stopped peeing in the litter box. I found two options that worked for her, one that's free but kinda gross and one that cost about $40 and is fine. Free: Empty uncovered litter box. Maybe it's weird but it worked. Just had to rinse after every use and wash frequently. ~$40: Tidy Cats Breeze System. She and one of my other cats only pee in it, but as long as that's where she pees, I'm satisfied. You can also use pine pellets, which are much cheaper than Tidy Cats' pellets, but they break apart easily, so the litter box is harder to clean.
Purina Tidy Cats Breeze Cat Litter Box System Starter Kit, Breeze Cat Litter System With Pads & Pellets
Best of luck to you! I hope everything works out. A cat like that can be annoying in that regard, but wonderful in every other way. I hope someone here is able to help you find what works for your family!
I'm stealing the top comment because I have 10 cats and I have the solution!!!
For years I dealt with litter sand smell, it spraying across the house, making a mess at every litter box (imagine 10 litter boxes with this nightmare)
The solution:
The Breeze Litter Box system
It is a complete game changer.
Litter sand always says they are "99% dust free" yet when you pour it, there is a billowy cloud of dust that needs to settle.
Also it smells. Litter sand always freaking smells.
The breeze system uses pellets and a potty pad. I might find one or two stray pellets near the box but the days of tracking sand all over my windows, outside the box, in the couch, in the carpets... those days are over.
The breeze system is a life changer and I recommend it to all our kitten buyers. Even over the the automatic boxes simply because the breeze pellets are the best.
Hands down. The litter box is sold as a kit, you won't need to buy anything else, it comes with everything you need.
Some breeds will have specific dietary requirements and some cases down to your cat. Ours need sensitive stomach for example. Purina One is a pretty safe bet albeit a bit pricey. But despite that price, the cats are getting food from a reputable brand and don't throw it up. Don't cheap out on food but don't get into that designer crap either. Wet food is generally regarded as heavier though of you can afford it (again, don't cheap out tbough)
Treats, get anything brand name. Just don't overdo it, you aren't doing your cat any favors. We've ways done Temptations. They like those but only enough also love the Lysine vitamins that are part vitamin part treat.
Vitamins, again, may be breed specific but unless there is some sort of disorder Persians are known for or your car has, there is no need for vitamins as long as they get quality food.
As for litter, we've tried Clay, Wood and now the below. The below is the best investment we ever made. Clay is a mess, wood is less of a mess but still has an odor. This literally has no smell whatsoever and is super easy to clean and cheap after the initial investment.
I use this for my rabbits. The pee would go through the holes, which would be absorbed by a puppy pad and pine pellets underneath. I scoop their poop once in the morning and once at night.
Here's the exciting thing - we have two litter trays!
One, at the moment, uses "World's Best Cat Litter" (yes it's literally called that) - it's pretty dear but it's made out of corn husks, clumps really nicely and covers scent pretty well. Ocado/Fetch sell it, Amazon have it on Subscribe and Save. This goes in a normal high walled litter tray.
The other is a Purina product called Tidy Cats (Amazon here but I think it's cheaper on Zooplus). This is a special thing - it is its own special litter tray. On top there's some ceramic pellets (these are consumable but they last forever and cost about as much as a standard bag of litter to replace); these are on top of some plastic grating, under which is a large pad like a big sanitary towel which traps and deodorises urine. The piss gets secreted away, so you just scoop out of the shit and away you go. My fiancée had this in Japan and absolutely insisted on having it here too, and I can see why.
On the actual shits themselves, what do you feed them? Lower quality food tends to produce more rancid shits - we started our two off on Whiskas and noticed a significant improvement all around when we switched them to Lily's Kitchen, which I wholeheartedly recommend.
Your kitten is young enough you should switch it to a pellet litter system, like the Breeze.
The pellets absorb the odor, the pee goes through little holes to a pee pad below, and the poops are flushable (not with septic though). So much less messy than having sand scattered everywhere and less stinky as well. With one cat I generally changed the pee pad out once a week, and just added a few pellets as needed.
Eventually you'll want to put fresh pellets, but even then, it's just so much less messy and stinky than sand. And a lot less heavy, as well. I was finally able to move my litter box upstairs for my old guy.
This has been the best litter for me in my one bedroom apartment. We tried regular litter but it always tracked everywhere. I am not sure why this is never more recommended, its been perfect since day 1.
Not a shill for the company, but I got the Breeze litter system for my last cat (and now my new one), and only wish it had been invented decades earlier. No more wet stinky litter, just sayin'.
Yeah it seems like your cat knows where to use the bathroom, but thinks both boxes are full. If he pees in the closed box, that would make sense because the smell would build up faster than an open box. In either case, there might be litter that's better at hiding the pee smell for him.
My situation was different, my cat didn't know it was a litter box because it didn't smell like a litter box. It's this one that uses pellets. I had to mix some scented litter in there before she started using it. I highly recommend the box, it hides pee smell very well because the pee sifts to the bottom and soaks into a scented piece of cloth that you change out every week.
This experience sounds very familiar, although our baby girl just turned three last month and she and our cat are like besties now. It's really incredible how much of her abuse the cat tolerates!
In terms of litter, we switched to one of those litter pellet systems and it helps a bunch: Not perfect, as the pellets still get out occasionally, but significantly better than the old type of litter. I hope that helps!
I have a Breeze cat box. I love that the cat doesn't track litter all over the house. It also keeps the smell down. I rotate the pad 1/2 way through the week and change it at the end of the week.
Ok, not trying to be a shill for this or anything, but a couple of years ago I bought the Breeze litter system, for my old guy and we both loved it.
It uses pellets (about the size and shape of rabbit kibble) that are placed on a tray that has holes in it, too ~~large~~ small for the pellets to fall through. A 'pee pad' is placed in the tray underneath, and when the cat pees, the odor is absorbed by the pellets and the wetness by the pad.
Poop is scooped as usual; the pellets tend not to stick to it, and even if they do, they're safe to flush, so no smelly bags of sand to haul around.
I was able to move the litter box from the laundry room on the first floor (he hated going into that room and wouldn't always use the box...) to the second floor bathroom, and my house lost that 'cat lives here' litterbox smell.
YMMV depending on your cat, of course; my little guy's pads only had to be changed every couple of weeks. The week in between, I would take the pad tray out, turn it around and put it back in because he tended to pee in the same spot. Then it just went out with the other bathroom trash.
Edit to say that some cats' output is smellier than others; I found that switching from standard brands to a higher quality one, like Blue Wilderness, made the difference between smelly farts and poop, and, well, not-so-smelly ones. (Cats are not omnivores like humans and dogs; their bodies aren't meant to digest grains.)
Edit again to say that the switch wasn't that hard; I just mixed pellets into the old litterbox until he got used to the feel of them under his feet, it only took a week or so to make the switch completely.
When my fiance said she wanted to try this for our cats I figured it would be disgusting, but it's actually a pretty good system. When I see poop I scoop and flush it down the toilet right away, and with one cat you'd probably only have to change the pad every 4-5 days. I haven't found it to be smelly, but we'll see if a hundred people follow my comment by saying they tried it and thought it was horrible. Regardless, it would completely solve your problem with litter getting all over the place.
Oh!! well...if you don't mind spending a bit you can get this!!!
i use it with 2 cats, it costs more but it's much less of a mess. I use more pellets than normal cause my cats like to really cover everything if they can.
Purina Tidy Cats Breeze litter box . They don't show it in the images on Amazon, but the green top layer has a fine grid that separates solids and liquid. Poops and most of the hay sit on the top layer and stays dry while urine passes through and collect in a tray/drawer below. The poops and bits of hay will still get kicked out with the uncovered version, the one I have since that was the only version available at the time, but it looks like they came out with a hooded or enclosed version. If you are still considering a new litterbox, maybe you'll have better luck with that? At least then you won't have to worry about cleaning up the kicked litter too.
The only changes I've made to the system are that I don't use the pellets that come with the kit -- not only are they water-repellent, but I doubt they are safe for buns to ingest -- and I use wood pellets to absorb urine instead of the pads since wood pellets are relatively cheap. The downside to the wood pellets is that residue can accumulate on the tray over time, and this litterbox system is a bit cumbersome to clean since there are so many parts. Overall though, I do recommend it!
Newspaper litter pellets + a highish wall litterbox with cat pads is the way to go IMO.
Get pellet litter boxes, so much easier to clean after
you just replace pellets monthly and pads weekly. And you don't worry about tiny grains everywhere, just a few pellets
Use this:
No more litter, no more dirty paws! Just keep the kids from eating the silica pellets.
If they and any other pets you have definitely wouldn't eat them (some pets are weirdos and they can cause intestinal blockage), we've actually had mostly decent success with the breeze system and its pellets, which we've also used in a litter box that uses a drawer to collect urine, which you then pour into the toilet, rinse, and put back. I wouldn't use them in a regular box, though, since they aren't absorbent and are designed for urine to pass through to an alternate collection method. The downside is the poop doesn't get buried, so it's more noticeable when they go, which could be a plus if you need motivation to clean the litter box more regularly, I guess. Another option might be to get a cabinet to go around the litter box to reduce the amount that leaves the immediate area of the litter box.