I'm planning to!
I use a combination lockbox to hold my keys along with the chaster app. I basically take a pic of the scrambled combo but keep my head at an angle so I can't read the code but can still make sure its in focus. It works great, the combination box is made of strong metal since it's made to not be broken into. It would require power tools to get open. This is similar to what I got: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNHVB36 or just search "key lock box"
I have it set up to give me a 15 minute cleaning session every 2 days.
I hope I can find a keyholder soon.
I recommend getting a small lock from amazon ( Puroma Security Key Lock Box,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNHVB36?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) I got one and use chaster.app to control when I can get out.
Alternative, you could mail yourself the key with a "So not deliver until" date, but you run the risk of it getting lost in the mail.
If it's like this lock then there might be a way to unlock it. I've made this problem too