I use something like this. https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Circulation-Cantilever-Universal-PLRSTN14U/dp/B01HTG4WHY
It's not the exact one I use, cause I had one lying around, but this should work. I bolt my controller and router to it via the little screw slots on the bottoms. It looks pretty nice.
In the past I've just used a junk 1U switch, or a rack shelf flipped upside down.
Not sleek, but $20 vs $300 for the setup.exe: https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Circulation-Cantilever-Universal-PLRSTN14U/dp/B01HTG4WHY/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1H8F69B2T062F&keywords=1u+rack+shelf&qid=1669665204&sprefix=1u+rack+shelf%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-3
A case like the Rosewill L4500 has 13x 5.25" bays would work great, but if you do not want to pay for a case, you can buy an empty shelf and mount the drives to that.
If you are good with your hands you can also just buy or find a large piece of scrap metal, and bend it into the right shape. Pro tip, a lot of old DirecTV satellite receivers are 19"
This seems like the best bet, 3d print some drive holders, or made some with a drill and some angle metal and you are good to go.
I have my SG-3100 sitting on this 1U shelf. The shelf has a lip along the back that should (help) stop anything from flying to the back of the cabinet, especially if there is something mounted 1U up. Additionally, the numerous holes are perfect for using zip ties or Velcro ties to secure the router.
1U half shelf $20
Tucking it in a closet is always easiest.
Otherwise, lots of velco and take your time. You can also get a little shelf for your equipment, like this - https://www.amazon.com/Pyle-Circulation-Cantilever-Universal-PLRSTN14U/dp/B01HTG4WHY/ref=asc_df_B01HTG4WHY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309804813335&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13577899093925525825&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002365&hvtargid=pla-493613121783&psc=1
Your plan sounds solid. Just make sure to take your time, especially if its a high visibility area.
dang...that is....kinda cute!! I like it
For a rack, all you need:
Put your CK and USG into it:
The switch goes in, as is.
And then a patch panel at the top:
Then you just get a bunch of keystone jacks, and clean everything up. You can even get a small shelf on the rack for the SurfBoard.