Hey, this is the book that we used in my Python for GIS class and it and my teacher taught me a lot with it. A year after the class, I'm 80% done rereading it, and it's very helpful. works in conjunction with ArcGIS 10.1, and I suggest you use PyScripter, a sweet Python code handler.
It covers a lot of the basics and introduces you to lots of problems you can solve with Python in GIS. It also comes with a CD complete with several exercises for each chapter in the textbook. some chapters are a bit dry, or you think, "oh my god this would be easier to do manually" but it's good at reminding you that with huge datasets, scripting is the way to go.
Do you have to be a student to apply for this??
I graduated in 2013 with a degree in Applied Math & Environmental Hydrology. I have 5 years of experience in GIS Environmental Analysis. I've interned with non-profits, the USGS, and a prestigious Washington DC Environmental Think Tank. I have authorship one peer reviewed report & and will get another in the next year or so.
My biggest weakness is my low college GPA (which is why I focused on internships and research). I also don't know python coding very well but I recently read Python Scripting for ArcGIS cover-to-cover and have been practicing as best I can.
I can't get a job anywhere, I've had to move back home and all I do is job hunt online for environmental GIS jobs. Maybe I'm just unlucky at the bottom end of the bell curve, but ~~the job market~~ hiring culture and expectations is that miserable out there.
I just keep telling myself the Winston Churchill quote "If you're going through hell... keep going."
Learn the basics of python at Code Academy and than buy this http://www.amazon.com/Python-Scripting-ArcGIS-Paul-Zandbergen/dp/1589482824/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395760006&sr=8-1&keywords=Python+Scripting+for+ArcGIS and you will be up and running in no time
I just ordered this book at work to hone my python skills. It's not free, but the reviews were great, and the first few pages I've read look promising.
There is also a really good online course but I can't think of the school that offers it... All the lecture material and labwork is online, you just don't get a fancy piece of paper with it... I know it uses this book: http://www.amazon.ca/Python-Scripting-ArcGIS-Paul-Zandbergen/dp/1589482824
Pick up a copy of Python Scripting for ArcGIS or take a look at the resources on Stack Exhange
I found the combination of www.codeacademy.com and Learn Python the Hard Way really helped me to understand the fundamentals of Python.
Then this book by Paul Zandbergen Python Scripting For ArcGis opened the doors to Python scripting with ArcGIS and how the two tie together in a GIS environment.
Here is what it sounds like to me what you are wanting to do, correct me if I'm wrong:
Input a list of coordinates in some format (e.g. table view, csv file, etc) along with a search radius value
Have something, ArcMap or a python script, go through each set of coordinates and return pertinent information within the designated search radius for each input coordinate
You could possibly do this in model builder using a table object, table view, or a linked Access database as the input object containing the coordinates. Honestly, I have never been able to figure out the iteration tool in model builder and find it much easier to write everything in Python. Perhaps another user could be of assistance if you take the model builder route.
If you were to go about it in Python, as a script in a custom ArcTool, you would have the user put in a table object of some sort as mentioned above and could also go the CSV file route which would allow you to easily convert Excel related files to a more friendly file type. You could also make a standalone script which would allow you to do everything without having to open ArcMap. However, if you are very new to Python and are not familiar with object oriented program, I would say that model builder is your best bet as what you describe is very likely outside of your current programming capabilities.
Here are some great books for learning Python and using Python within ArcGIS. Python Scripting for ArcGIS Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus