> Mean Girls on the other hand was highlighting a specific view of bullying that is largely based on myth and is not at all based on research.
idk if you know this or not, but Mean Girls was based on a non-fiction book based on some educator's experiences working with/talking to adolescent kids. This book was specifically about girls, but there is one about boys too.
I haven't actually read either one, but generally they got very positive reviews, although at least one person did mention the book about girls painting them all as catty and manipulative while the boys one was evidently kinder.
you can read more about the books and author here if you're interested
Perhaps you could read the non-fiction book Mean Girls is based on.
:) It's Queen Bee, just FYI https://www.amazon.com/Queen-Bees-Wannabes-Boyfriends-Realities/dp/0307454444
This is the book that Mean Girls was based on - a self-help book, of all things!