There aren't pretty graphics and fonts but have you looked at the MLS Quick Review Cards? There are customer pictures in the review section that show the cards. I found them incredibly helpful in school and still have mine.
So it looks like the cards have been updated.
And the book, I'm not sure which you're referring to, but I'll see if I can find which it is on the ASCP recommendations.
There are. I used labce and these review cards. They're a bit bulky, but I tended to do them by subject until I could vomit them out in my sleep and then just put them to the side. And don't freak out when the labce tests go sideways, take the time to review the right answers as well as the wrong ones.
I felt like I was failing the whole time, and it took a bathroom break to settle down enough to pound out the rest. Definitely take a break if you find yourself having that moment. And if you can eliminate at least one or two answers as certainly wrong, you up your chances from a 25% guess to a 50% 'educated' guess.
Good luck when you take it!
The latest edition can be cards or ebook
These are commonly used.
I LOVE the Polansky quick review cards. They were great for school and the board exam. are these the cards you guys are talking about?
I bought some super helpful flash cards, I didn’t really use the book much because my ADHD won’t allow it lol, but the cards helped me SO much
Assuming my phone formats correctly, here's the Amazon link:
Question has been asked many times before, but I'll give you my top 3 resources:
LabCE Exam Simulator - gets you used to the style of exam and the adaptive format
Polansky Cards - A good summary of the important points in each subject
Harr's MLS Review - great questions with even better explanations
Harr and provide a great strategy where you answer questions or do an adaptive practice exam to see what your weaknesses are, then focus on those areas to improve your scores.
Links to Amazon for clarification:
These review cards are great. They fit in your lab coat pocket.
These cards are amazing. They are concise and fit in your lab coat pocket.