Race Tech's Motorcycle Suspension Bible (Motorbooks Workshop) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0760331405/ I really liked the way this book explained suspension working.
Regarding transmission - first of all - what transmission you have in that outback? If it is 4eat - what “center” does it have? Does rear differential has LSD(visco or plated or suretrac or torque sensing)?
Depending on what trackday org you normally ride with, there's normally a suspension guy there to help.
Virtually every racer I know pays the suspension guy to setup the bike. There's some very good books around to learn more about suspension setup (Race Tech's Suspension Tuning Bible is very popular, and I learned a good deal reading it), but in general, those books will help you communicate with the suspension gurus more than they will turn you into a suspension guru.
It sounds like the shock is stiffer, and causing the front end to lift by keeping the rear from squatting under heavy throttle. It's probably a good thing overall, but there's also probably a better middle ground to be had.
Are you running a steering dampener? What bike is it?
For everyone asking why there's so many washers (shims/toonie outsides), check out Race Tech's Motorcycle Suspension Bible. Many pictures, much learn. Good words.
They already tweak every parameter of the rear suspension, but it's hard to tell they are in the order of millimeters. The key is to find a balance that makes the bike fast at every point of the track. A more radical approach to rear geometry is Ducati's Shapeshifter anti-squat device.
Here are some additional resources: https://www-paddock--gp-com.translate.goog/technique-motogp-les-premices-du-holeshot-device-de-ducati-deja-brevetes-en-2002/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=ajax,nv,elem
https://youtu.be/lM5tnO9WT9k https://youtu.be/H2DO3bN93kc https://youtu.be/aHVFS8e3cRY https://youtu.be/_CO4j-OaiYw
Great read for gaining huge amounts of insight for everything suspension
This book is worth the money if you want to understand.
shameless plug: https://rocketpunchracing.wordpress.com/category/tech/suspension-tech/
Just a collection of articles I find useful. read the Dave Moss suspension tuning guide and the Sport Rider suspension tuning guide. If you want to learn more, checkout the book by RaceTech: http://www.amazon.com/Techs-Motorcycle-Suspension-Motorbooks-Workshop/dp/0760331405
A lot of SV650 riders are building frankenbikes by bolting GSXR and Kawasaki parts, based upon recommendations from other riders who have swapped forks and shocks and wheels and brakes.
But Paul Thede of Racetech is The Man when it comes to suspension tuning, amigo.
Study this book before you starting grafting unsuitable parts onto your machine.