I actually have aero bars on my trainer! I don't use a switch, but I do have a trainer desk with a keyboard and mouse so I can just hop on the trainer during boring zoom calls, or to watch a movie.
I would say this: Aero bars themselves can offer a good way to rest your wrists so you don't strain too much, but you should make sure your trainer bike's stem is nice and high, because an actual aero position isn't helpful indoors. No gain from aerodynamics, and if you're too folded over, your diaphragm can get compressed and impede your air intake, which is more important.
The bike on my trainer is my touring bike, which has clip-on aero bars, but they're more for giving me a resting position on long tours than actually getting aero =)
I get it, but honestly the ATV just works, no muss, no fuss with dongles or bluetooth issue. I run Zwift on my TV and Zwift Companion on my iPhone and rarely have any connection issues. If I do, I just restart the ATV.
One other thing to consider - if you are like me - sweat gets on everything when I ride and I can't imagine that would be good for a laptop. Granted, I do use my phone with Zwift companion while riding, but that is easier to keep dry. I do use a RAD desk that is perfect for Zwift. It is a Wahoo desk copy but less $$ Currently $92 on Amazon
Ride on!
Attaching to the bike sucks, both ergonomically and because the bike moves. I recommend something like this.
Cancel the Wahoo desk and get the cheaper one off Amazon. It's the same thing, but more functional because it has water bottle slots in it. The Wahoo desk doesn't for some stupid reason.
I like your Nanoleaf setup. I'm a super early adopter of theirs. I have a 28 panel setup of the original triangles (pre-shapes) in my office.
I use this guy it's basically a clone of the wahoo one for less. It's more then some options but has worked well for me https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_ypp_rep_k0_1_10&amp&crid=88UV4MFTPER8&amp&sprefix=bike+stand
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable Bike Trainer Fitness Desk Portable Workstation Standing Desk https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_24NCH93SV4GFH07CD7NA
I have this. Works great and much less then wahoo. If you can get outside US
It's ridiculous but I have a Wahoo bike desk. I don't regret buying it either. But the unit I bought was subsequently copied for much lower price and better features (locking wheels! bottle holder!) by a no name chinese manufacturer (for all I know, from the same factory).
I'm patiently waiting for AppleTV to support PiP with Zwift like it does for it's own TV+ app.
So in the interim, I just use Zwift on my iPad Pro on a RAD Cycle Bike workstand (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BQZY9RL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and have my AppleTV plugged into the OLED I have mounted on the wall in front the bike.
If you are doing Z2/1 rides reading and riding is absolutely doable with a tablet. An important aid though in doing this is this RAD Portable fitness desk.
You can have the desk either just in front of your handle bars or if you choose even over your handle bars and closer to you. Over and above doing a great job of holding water bottles, remotes, snacks, phone, laptop, etc., it provides a solid platform to put a tablet on and readat a reasonable distance.
118 right now! I have the "Conquer" equivalent and mine is rock solid. I mean, solid enough to grab hold of and sprint. Two cup holders and a non-skid surface for your laptop or ipad (I put a wireless keyboard on mine because I run zwift on my desktop)
This is by no means necessary but I just got this cool trainer desk and its pretty awesome
Depending on what you will be using to run zwift/whatever app you use you can get away with something far cheaper though.
A lot of good comments here already. I’ll throw in my 2 cents. I got the off-brand wahoo table on Amazon. It raises up enough where it clears my handlebars. I did some casual email and phone calls the other day and it worked fine. Since you’re just doing it to move your legs, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
I’m usually a big proponent of finding a good fitting saddle and just roughing out the pain with some good bike shorts until your butt gets used to it. But if you’ll be using this setup for extended time while working, I might look into a secondary saddle and seat post. Maybe something more comfy and chair/stool like.
Portable Fitness Desk- Adjustable Height Workstation for Bikes or Standing-Work and Cycle Indoors on Laptop or Tablet by RAD Cycle Products https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_WU0ADbZN5C7TZ
Is a cheap one from Amazon.
Seconding the fans. I've not purchased the Headwind accessory for my Wahoo Kickr but it's on the wish list. I do have a stick fan sitting at chest height pushing air on me and think at some point I'll ether get the the headwind accessory or put a turbo circular fan on the floor, pointing up, to help push more wind... The amount of sweat on the mat at the end of an hour session is pretty amazing...
I would recommend a 34/11 cassette for the widest possible gear ratios with your front chainring, if your bike can handle it with it's current setup. Since you didn't list your current bike's specs it's hard to suggest which cassette.
I'd also suggest a bike trainer mat for under the bike to make sweat cleanup a little easier and to keep it from soaking into your carpet or getting into your hardwood floors. Even if you're planning on training on concrete in the garage it's not a bad idea.
you may want a training table to set your laptop or tablet on. If you're planning to use a TV then you can likely skip it but they're good to have if you aren't. I bought this one:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BQZY9RL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (not an affiliate link).
Hope you find this a bit useful.
Using a Kickr, KickrClimb and a table from Amazon
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable Bike Trainer Fitness Desk Portable Workstation Standing Desk https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_KTA7E8ETK5YB6KY2F07F
Zero regrets buying one.
I use this thing. Not on the side, though.
Cheaper version of the Wahoo table:
There are pretty good ones and not exactly very expensive. I use this one:
I got this RAD Cycle Products Adjustable... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
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I just put this together and it’s pretty nice. Price has gone up in the past few months though.
1.Clipless pedals 2. More fans 3. Maybe a table in a front
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable Bike Trainer Fitness Desk Portable Workstation Standing Desk https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_8FgXFbFMDB779
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable Bike Trainer Fitness Desk Portable Workstation Standing Desk https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6XKKFbD25D5JY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Looks like this one . I've had one for a little over a year and it's been great.
I got this one and like it a lot. DC rainmaker has a review on it too
Ah, sorry. No it’s the RAD table from Amazon. Much cheaper!
RAD Cycle Products Adjustable Bike Trainer Fitness Desk Portable Workstation Standing Desk https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BQZY9RL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UyuqFbPRQ52FF
It's a generic version of the Wahoo one. I got it on Amazon. Here's the link to it. Looks like they are out of stock right now.
Also, there is a similar product on Amazon that is in stock and gets good reviews:
You would need a standing desk. something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Cycle-Laptop-RAD-Products/dp/B07BQZY9RL/
This is what I have (I highly recommend it):
For anyone else that comes along... If you have the tools and the wood, this is likely cheaper to build (apart from your time) than the RAD Cycle desk, and for sure cheaper than Wahoo's product.