I’m 2 weeks post op rn but before surgery I was debating on whether I should buy one or not but I did it it was a great decision. For the first week and a half post op I used it as directed and it’s great for propping arms up, resting your phone on, and just having an extra layer of padding, it made me feel a lot more comfortable. For the last couple of days or so since I’m farther out post op I’ve just been using it as a pillow for my head since it’s a perfect size/thickness to prop up my neck and it not as tall as a normal pillow. This is the pillow I bought. I hope this was helpful! 👍
My surgery prep list:
Front close compression bra to help prevent swelling. The Surgeon might provide one but she will want a spare so she can wear one/wash one on rotation.
Support and protective pillow for car rides, family bought me the one at this link and I use it for all car rides (follow up appts, etc) and when sleeping: Rainbowstar Mastectomy Pillow for Breast Cancer Surgery Lumpectomy Reconstruction Chest Healing linked here - https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07QTK6CGR/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_apa\_glt\_fabc\_MKV1RG8QXPXD210RE4EH.
Chapstick for dry lips
Easy to wear button front top or robe. I got this "Brobe" product which includes inner pockets for drains. Was highly recommended by another patient. https://thebrobe.com/ -- wore it home from surgery with some comfy leggings. Still prefer it over everything else daily. Can even wear to my later treatments.
A belt to hang your drains while in the shower.
Walk around your house and move everything you might want to use down to waste height due to mobility issues (t-rex arms).
Fresh bottle of ibuprofen and Tylenol. I never needed more than this after surgery.
Have a pad of paper and pen on hand to write down: each time you take medication, how much you are drinking, any issues or questions that come up so you can remember to ask your doctor or the nurse coordinator.
Ice packs but remember not to leave them on too long.
Throat lozenges or honey and tea. Some soft foods for the first couple days if your throat is sore. Mine was.
Sleep in a recliner if you have one. It is 1000 times easier to sleep in a lazy-boy type chair rather than in a bed and to get up to use the bathroom from the same. I set up my recliner with fresh twin bedding ahead of time and put all my must haves in reach (phone charge cord plugged in, book, medicine bottles, water bottle, notepad). If no recliner, then a high firm wedge pillow so you are fully supported in a bed.
Be careful and get help or use a walker the first 24-30 hours for trips to toilet or kitchen. It can take time for all the anesthesia to leave your system and it is easy to get dizzy or unbalanced while still brain foggy.
Each surgery is different, ask about when you are able to shower. In My case we knew I was required to shower next day so I didnt need to buy any wet wipes. Some other people have reported having to wait a few days to shower and wanted wet wipes handy. Wash cloth cat bath at a sink can also work.
Gentle Stool softener. Dont overthink it, just take 1 or 2 day of and for a couple days after surgery. Anesthesia can cause constipation. i just bought the store brand and it worked a treat.
Electrolytes and your favorte fluids to rehydrate after basically being without fluids for nearly a day. I was not allowed to drink water 4 hours before surgery. My check in was 8am, surgery was 10:30am to 2:30pm, super groggy and didnt even go home until 6pm, slept from arrival home till next day late. So basically only IV fluids for 6 out of 30 hours aside from being awoken by family to take ibuprophin or Tylenol with water through the night. A lot of "I feel like crap" symptoms are basically dehydration or low electrolytes.
• This pillow made getting comfortable so much easier! There are tons of options on Amazon if you search “mastectomy pillow.” https://www.amazon.com/Mastectomy-Lumpectomy-Reconstruction-Protector-Post-Surgery/dp/B07QTK6CGR/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=20ZROA0ZVJVFB&dchild=1&keywords=mastectomy+pillow&qid=1630817060&sprefix=mastecto&sr=8-11 • Zip up bras were so much more comfortable and easier to use than front hooking bras. These were the ones my surgeon recommended! https://www.amazon.com/Womens-Sports-Wireless-Post-Surgery-Active/dp/B078HZV198/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=zip+front+bra&qid=1630817189&sr=8-4 • This was also a must-have when you’re stuck in bed all day! It can hold phones or tablets. https://www.amazon.com/Flippy-Multi-Angle-eReaders-Smartphones-Magazines/dp/B085S7J8SH/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=2VBJS5XJI9H9I&dchild=1&keywords=flippy+tablet+holder&qid=1630817369&sprefix=flippy&sr=8-3