I have that data right in front of me, thanks for asking to see it.
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against transgender children. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
since when were we talking about the youth? oh, I see, when you felt like it, gotcha. anyway, you're the one who brought up LaSt ReSoRt and immediately dropped that framing, so uh, lol. anyway you can google A Comprehensive Defense of Trans People reddit
and see all the great sources telling you that transition is a core part of managing gender dysphoria.
here, have a preview!
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against transgender children. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
always happy to educate!
> So, in thinking about that, my first thing I'd do, after affirming that I love them, is ask, in a validating manner, what their reasons are.
You don't need to do that. You aren't a child psychologist. (And even if you are, it's unethical for you to be YOUR child's psychologist)
If your child comes out as trans, then it's time to buy a book or two. (Buy a more recent book that I'm sure has come out by the time if it happens, this is just an example text.)
Kids aren't getting surgery. The typical minimum for GCS is 18 years of age (WPATH page 60, Unicare, and the ICD-10) and the lowest reported case is Kim Petras at 16. For chest reconstructive surgery, the mean age of surgery was 17.2, and only 3 patients were under 16 years of age.
Hormones are not given to children. The standard age for hormone therapy is 16 (Endocrine Society, Family court lawyers indicate that hormone therapy is typically attained at age 16, and the NHS recommends starting at 16 years of age). Research into ages of teens that being hormone therapy indicated a median age of 17.9 and 17.3 ranging from 13.3 to 22.3 years at one clinic and another clinic in Holland had mean age of initation of 16.4-16.7, with minimum ages ranging from 13.9-14.9.
Hormone blockers are safe and not harmful to bone growth, and don't affect greater brain function. The few negative effects of puberty blockers do not change children's minds. Puberty blockers are also easily and permanently reversible, and this has happened successfully in the past before. No clinically significant effects on physiologic parameters were noted.
The myth of high regret rates is complete bullshit. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Here's a giant meta-study which shows that transition helps the well-being of trans people.
Kids aren't getting surgery. The typical minimum for GCS is 18 years of age (WPATH page 60, Unicare, and the ICD-10) and the lowest reported case is Kim Petras at 16. For chest reconstructive surgery, the mean age of surgery was 17.2, and only 3 patients were under 16 years of age.
Hormones are not given to children. The standard age for hormone therapy is 16 (Endocrine Society, Family court lawyers indicate that hormone therapy is typically attained at age 16, and the NHS recommends starting at 16 years of age). Research into ages of teens that being hormone therapy indicated a median age of 17.9 and 17.3 ranging from 13.3 to 22.3 years at one clinic and another clinic in Holland had mean age of initation of 16.4-16.7, with minimum ages ranging from 13.9-14.9.
Hormone blockers are safe and not harmful to bone growth, and don't affect greater brain function. The few negative effects of puberty blockers do not change children's minds. Puberty blockers are also easily and permanently reversible, and this has happened successfully in the past before. No clinically significant effects on physiologic parameters were noted.
The myth of high regret rates is complete bullshit. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Here's a giant meta-study which shows that transition helps the well-being of trans people.
Detransitioners are completely valid and deserve support, but the myth of high regret rates is complete bullshit. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Kids aren't getting surgery. The typical minimum for GCS is 18 years of age (WPATH page 60, Unicare, and the ICD-10) and the lowest reported case is Kim Petras at 16. For chest reconstructive surgery, the mean age of surgery was 17.2, and only 3 patients were under 16 years of age.
Hormones are not given to children. The standard age for hormone therapy is 16 (Endocrine Society, Family court lawyers indicate that hormone therapy is typically attained at age 16, and the NHS recommends starting at 16 years of age). Research into ages of teens that being hormone therapy indicated a median age of 17.9 and 17.3 ranging from 13.3 to 22.3 years at one clinic and another clinic in Holland had mean age of initation of 16.4-16.7, with minimum ages ranging from 13.9-14.9.
Hormone blockers are safe and not harmful to bone growth, and don't affect greater brain function. The few negative effects of puberty blockers do not change children's minds. Puberty blockers are also easily and permanently reversible, and this has happened successfully in the past before. No clinically significant effects on physiologic parameters were noted.
Here's a giant meta-study which shows that transition helps the well-being of trans people.
Detransitioners are completely valid and deserve support, but the myth of high regret rates is complete bullshit. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Kids aren't getting surgery. The typical minimum for GCS is 18 years of age (WPATH page 60, Unicare, and the ICD-10) and the lowest reported case is Kim Petras at 16. For chest reconstructive surgery, the mean age of surgery was 17.2, and only 3 patients were under 16 years of age.
Hormones are not given to children. The standard age for hormone therapy is 16 (Endocrine Society, Family court lawyers indicate that hormone therapy is typically attained at age 16, and the NHS recommends starting at 16 years of age). Research into ages of teens that being hormone therapy indicated a median age of 17.9 and 17.3 ranging from 13.3 to 22.3 years at one clinic and another clinic in Holland had mean age of initation of 16.4-16.7, with minimum ages ranging from 13.9-14.9.
Hormone blockers are safe and not harmful to bone growth, and don't affect greater brain function. The few negative effects of puberty blockers do not change children's minds. Puberty blockers are also easily and permanently reversible, and this has happened successfully in the past before. No clinically significant effects on physiologic parameters were noted.
Here's a giant meta-study which shows that transition helps the well-being of trans people.
I'm your huckleberry.
Myth #1: Kids Will Change Their Minds / The Desistance Myth
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against transgender children. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Transgender children endorse gender stereotypes less and see violations of gender stereotypes as more acceptable (Take THAT TERFs)
Myth #2: Kids "Are Rushed" Into Transition
This myth is based off of the faulty assumption that transgender youth under the age of 12 get some or any form of gender confirming surgery or hormone therapy. This is simply untrue. Common headlines like “4 year old youngest sex change” are masked in false claims and conflate social transition with surgery and hormones. The standard age for hormone therapy is 16 (Endocrine Society, Family court lawyers indicate that hormone therapy is typically attained at age 16, and the NHS recommends starting at 16 years of age). Research into ages of teens that being hormone therapy indicated a median age of 17.9 and 17.3 ranging from 13.3 to 22.3 years at one clinic and another clinic in Holland had mean age of initation of 16.4-16.7, with minimum ages ranging from 13.9-14.9. The typical minimum for GCS is 18 years of age (WPATH page 60, Unicare, and the ICD-10) and the lowest reported case is Kim Petras at 16. For chest reconstructive surgery, the mean age of surgery was 17.2, and only 3 patients were under 16 years of age.
Kids simply aren’t being rushed into transitioning.
This argument is based on some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Ok, I'll bite.
>About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older.
>Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older.
>Close to 80% of children who feel transsexual will abandon their sexual confusion as they age.
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against trans youth. It's all based on some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
> Most young transsexuals have committed self-harm within the last twelve months.
>65% of transsexual youth have seriously considered suicide within the last year.
>37% of transsexual youth have attempted suicide within the last year.
>1 in 10 young transsexuals has attempted suicide more than three times in the last year.
Gender dysphoria has been documented to harm mental health and create psychological distress. Social transition has been shown to ameliorate this distress and normalize mental health outcomes:
Early transition virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth
Transition dramatically improves mental health among trans kids
> Gay and transgender students are half as likely to graduate high school as straight students.
> 20-40% of homeless children are transsexuals.
>41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide.
This is not only contradicted by all of the other research, but not supported by the report itself. Table 5 is on page 8. It has lifetime suicide rates for people who don't want, want or have had each transition-related procedure. For example, the lifetime suicide rate for people who do not want counseling is 29%, people who want is 39% and have had it is 44%. The most important thing to note is that this is the LIFETIME SUICIDE RATE. This means that a trans person who attempts suicide previous to their transition still counts after they transitioned. So, this absolutely does not support the claim that the suicide rate increases after transition. Here is a plausible explanation for why the lifetime suicide rate is higher for those who transition: the people who have the worst gender dysphoria, the most depression (and thus suicide) before transitioning are going to be more focused on transitioning as fast as possible. People who have milder gender dysphoria can afford to wait longer. People who have transitioned are also likely older, meaning they have a longer expanse of life to go through; more suicide attempts.
Generic copy paste explanation of why your wrong because your very predictably wrong
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against transgender children. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
There are specific criteria to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria as a child.
The American Psychological Association's guidelines state:
>The gender affirmative model supports identity exploration and development without an a priori goal of any particular gender identity or expression. Practitioners of the gender affirmative model do not push children in any direction, rather, they listen to children and, with the help of parents, translate what the child is communicating about their gender identity and expression. They work toward improving gender health, where a child is able to live in the gender that feels most authentic to the child and can express gender without fear of rejection.
There is a large body of researching indicating that gender identity is formed by the age of 3-5, possibly as early as 18 months, and that transgender children know what gender is, what they are identifying as and think of themselves as their gender identity:
Gender identity of transgender youth is deeply held and not the result of confusion. Transgender children view themselves as their expressed gender and are similar to cisgender children of their gender identity. (A more readable article). Transgender children develop similarly
Transgender teens that undergo gender reassignment do not experience regret. And transgender children that underwent puberty suppression had decreased emotional and behavioral problems and increased general functioning, and all continued on to undergo hormone therapy
Transgender children endorse gender stereotypes less and see violations of gender stereotypes as more acceptable (Take THAT TERFs)
On the idea that kids stop being trans:
The desistance myth is one of the most frustrating arguments made against transgender children. It's all based off of some research that has some significant methodological flaws. Many of the individuals included in the studies did not identify as transgender (two studies had 90% of the participants identify as their assigned sex), some studies concluded that a respondent had desisted if they did not follow up (Steensma 2011 and Steensma 2013), and many included very small sample sizes. (All from this book and this study). There is more recent research indicating that more than 96% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria continue to identify as transgender as adults. Even the flawed research indicates something far lower than the commonly repeated trope of 80-85%: Steensma 2013 (critiqued above) reports 16%. Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Ristori and Steensma 2016 have multiple weaknesses that render their conclusions useless, and Steensma 2010 is also flawed. This great study goes over numerous critiques of 4 main ‘desistance’ studies, and this one. A sort of review on the topic of trans children goes over the problems with desistance studies, goes over the research supporting affirmative care and the problems created when parents are not supportive
tl;dr the study you cited is awful
On the Swedish study that apparently shows " Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.":
That is a reference to <strong>this study</strong> by Dr. Dhejne. The claim that her study shows that transition does not reduce risk of suicide attempts while improving mental health and quality of life is a deliberate misrepresentation popularized by Paul McHugh, a religious extremist and <strong>leading member</strong> of an anti-gay and anti-trans <strong>hate group</strong>, who presents himself as a reputable source but publishes work without peer review. His claim to fame is having shut down the Johns Hopkins trans health program in the 70's, which he did not based on medical evidence but on his personal ideological opposition to transition. Johns Hopkins has <strong>resumed offering transition related medical care</strong>, including reconstructive surgery, and their faculty are finally <strong>disavowing</strong> him for his irresponsible and ideologically motivated misrepresentation of the current science of sex and gender.
That study's lead author Dr. Dhejne had <strong>emphatically denounced</strong> McHugh and his misuse of her work. If for those who don't trust the TransAdvocate article, she did so again in her <strong>r/Science AMA last year</strong>.
Furhter details on Dr. Dhejne's often misrepresented study - it found only that trans people who transitioned prior to 1989 hada higher risk of suicide attempts than the general public. The author attributed this higher risk to the vicious anti-trans discrimination people who transitioned 29+ years ago experienced. The study found no significant difference in the risk of suicide attempts among trans people who transitioned after 1989, vs the general public.
tl;dr you don't know how to read basic statistics
All the studies showing poor mental health in trans people.....yeah that's kind of the point. Look at all my above studies showing that mental health drastically increases after transition. This is a pretty much unanimous consensus in the medical community. If you want their mental health to be better, then let them transition. That's how this works.
On blanchard's theory: it has been thoroughly disproven and I could post thousands of words on why his theory is hilariously bad. If you want to, I will - I have them saved. However, let's just go over one example of his ridiculousness.
From his 1985 study, he found that bisexual trans women had higher scores for androphilia than gynephilia, casting some doubt on whether his theory about psuedo-bisexual trans women is plausible.
One of Blanchard’s most noted papers is his 1989 paper supposedly “proving” that heterosexual, bisexual and asexual trans women have the same etiology. There’s a fatal error. Asexual trans women had autogynephilia scores that were almost a perfect midpoint between straight trans women and bisexual trans women (1.83 from straight and 1.88 from bisexual), and most importantly, he found that asexual trans women and bisexual trans women had a statistically significant difference in their autogynephilia scores, while asexual and lesbian trans women did not, and bisexual and lesbian trans women did not.
Notice how I post full sources and info, and you give minor screenshots and memes. Congrats, you posted a true gishgallop that I cannot fully refute because of character limits. But the actual data does not support your positions so you rely on not linking to full sources and posting enough irrelevant and incorrect things where only some of them can be debunked in full length. Regardless, it's obvious you're being disingenuous at best