Ich hatte mir fürs Motorrad von RAM den X-Grip geholt, hält dort super. Am Fahrrad ist jetzt auch eine kleine RAM-Kugel montiert, ist halt nicht ganz günstig (oder leicht), aber hält Bombe. Auf Amazon gibts dieses Set https://www.amazon.de/dp/B006X387ZS/ ich finde das Verbindungsstück aber zu lang, hab selber das kleinere.
Handy ist eine OnePlus 7 mit Hülle.
This Ram mount is a good bet. I have a couple of knock off ones the same design (only about $15 on ebay) that have served me well. I even use them for enduro and my phone hasn't fallen out, so they're pretty secure.
Ram X mount. This is the handlebar clamp option but you can also get a mount for your brake reservoir or handlebar clamp bolt mount. This is the best mounting system I've ever owned.
Ram Mounts RAM-B-149Z-UN7U Handlebar Rail Mount with U-Bolt Base and Universal X-Grip Cell Phone Holder, Zinc Coated https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006X387ZS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZDRUzbKAZJZDV
Ram X mount. This is the handlebar clamp option but you can also get a mount for your brake reservoir or handlebar clamp bolt mount. This is the best mounting system I've ever owned.
Ram Mounts RAM-B-149Z-UN7U Handlebar Rail Mount with U-Bolt Base and Universal X-Grip Cell Phone Holder, Zinc Coated https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006X387ZS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZDRUzbKAZJZDV
I went to the iron pony in Ohio recently and purchased this ram mounthttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B006X387ZS?psc=1&smid=A2XENS8LQP1A6D I really didn't have much knowledge of these but I figured there was a place I could mount it. It turns out that theres really not, i moved the clutch and brake levers all the way in an attempt to gain a little room for the mount and I probably could have squeezed it in with a Dremel but I really didn't want to do that.
Anyway after fighting the U bolt version for about 45 min i eventually decided that i was just going to mount it on my mirror, which...worked, and honestly worked very well. I tightened the mirror screws about a quarter turn more to ensure tightness and mounted this mount. It works very well. it doesnt vibrate much and its almost at eye level which is really nice.
Im only posting this in case someone was wondering which mount to purchase. I'm not telling to to buy this mount this is only what ive discovered using this. hopefully this gets archived until someone eles has this question.
Needs a Ram Mount with the X-Grip phone holder. Tat thing will never rattle off. Great looking project!
RAM mount that comes with the rubber net thing
amazon links
alligator claw mount: https://www.amazon.com/RAM-Tough-Claw-Universal-X-Grip-Cradle/dp/B01LTF0MKM/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1514834480&sr=8-4&keywords=ram+mount+motorcycle
Cinch this onto your barrel and it should work.
RAM Mounts X-Grip Phone Mount with Handlebar U-Bolt Base RAM-B-149Z-UN7U with Medium Arm for Motorcycle, ATV/UTV, Bike https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006X387ZS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6460P6NR3MGZ1M5FAVDF are you talking about this one?
I just got this guy. Haven't installed it yet but feels incredibly well made and sturdy.
I use this and it’s perfect RAM Mount
Really happy to see Woody got himself a thumper and will be motovlogging. /u/vanguard_anon you mentioned you were looking for a phone mount and most motovloggers i see swear by these things: RAM mounts. You should definitely give those a look if you haven't gotten a phone mount yet.
Also, you probably already looked into this, but something like this would be a great start for when you do your first motovlog, specially the segment from 9:50 to about 15 minutes, that should help you set up the camera and mic so we can get a good angle and as good quality audio as possible. (keep in mind the helmet is a big variable in all this, some are just better than others when it comes to audio recording)
Really looking forward to those motovlogs, also the guy on the video, Dan, would be a great guest for the podcast and /u/DrChiz should definitly try to get him on.
Hope this helps. ^^if^you^actually^ever^see^this.
RAM X-Grip like Dan said and you can grab the little net to make sure it's steady.
You need a handlebar mount. Depending on the size of your s6 (plus a case if you have one) you may need a large size x-grip (or other mount)
I have an s5 with an otterbox, just barely fits but it's still secure enough to hold it in a crash. ^(ask me how I know that...)
I am in the market for this too. Was saving up for this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006X387ZS/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B006X387ZS&linkCode=as2&tag=everide-20&linkId=JUE2XVSIDI4726J2
isnt it the car you dont see that gets you though?
why not just use a cell phone mount on your bike? Ram mounts are amazing