A Raspberry Pi 2 B is about $40. It's also very small so it's easier to permanently tuck behind your TV. And finally, barely uses any electricity -- the Raspberry Pi Foundation estimates that a hamburger costs more than enough electricity to power a Pi for a year.
because thats really stupid. a new version releasing doesn't make the old one less powerful
There's a pi2 on amazon.
EDIT: And the pi2 has been out for pretty much exactly a year, so there's no way a rational person would consider it outdated. And what was stopping you from buying a pi2 from amazon for the last 9 months, when there wasn't an upgraded version announced?
ah ok. You can still get US$10 of credit from digital ocean (digitalocean.com) with the promo code "changelog". That is enough to host a small server for 2 months. Their system is nice because they give you a clean slate and you can set up whatever you want on it. It my require a bit of learning to set up and install mysql, phpmyadmin, and a web server like apache, but if you select "Ubuntu" as your OS, there are plenty of tutorials online to do all of those things. Then your webapp would be accessible via an ip address, and you could separately register a domain name if you want to point to it.
You could also check out linode (linode.com). They are similar to digital ocean, and if you use the promocode "changelog20" you can get US$20 of credit for free (enough again for 2 months).
If you want a bit of a simpler option, dreamhost (dreamohost.com) shared hosting is US$8 per month, and includes a domain name. They have pre-installed mysql, phpmyadmin, apache, and php. Its a good solution for static sites, or php sites, just a bit less flexible for some things.
All of these will require a bit of patience and learning to get up and running, but there are plenty of resources on the internet and people here who can help.
The other option (jumping on u/hohohoohno 's idea) is you could purchase a small computer (like the US$37 raspberry pi: http://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-Model-Project-Board/dp/B00T2U7R7I/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1456616258&sr=1-3&keywords=raspberry+pi+2). You can set this up as a low power server at your house. This would require you to set up port-forwarding at your router.
Unfortunately its been my experience that there are very few (if any) truly free hosting solutions.
Edit: typos
What about a Raspberry Pi model 2 (Quad Core CPU 900 MHz, 1 GB RAM, Linux)
Here's the Raspberry Pi 2 price in Italy! It looks like we are in the same boat, that's almost 2x the price, like you said. (almost 60$)
Plus, the other sites that sell boards and electronics have higher prices than Amazon.
The only thing i envy so much about US are the prices of tech stuff, especially during big sales!
EDIT: If you know any seller that has lower prices please let me know!
Look. Don't do this. It's almost definitely a violation of your Acceptable Use Policy. They won't be able to track your web history if you're not going through the proxy. But they will be able to tell that you're circumventing security measures.
Google Admin console has reporting utilities to find out when people are doing things with their Chromebooks that they shouldn't (like turning verified boot mode off, which you'd need to do to USB boot). Odds are that you will get caught, and it's not worth whatever punishment might be meted out.
And should you accidentally brick something (or corrupt the installation) and require intervention, I can promise you that your IT people will not be happy with you. Source: I am a K-12 sysadmin.
Follow your AUP. It's good practice for college and eventual entry into the workplace, where you'll need to follow similar sets of rules. If you want to play around and dual boot or USB boot, I strongly encourage that tinkering, but get your own device to do it on.
Here are a few low-cost means to do so:
Software needed on Windows PC (maybe Macs too, I don't use a Mac though)
.ISO/.IMG disc image burner like Rufus that can burn to HDDs https://i.stack.imgur.com/iGEBO.png
Bitcoin Core previously running and synced on PC or Mac. Will be transferring data files from synced PC or Mac because RPi will take forever to sync by itself.
Port-Forward port 8333 on your router to the Pi's IP address (every router is different so can't really tell you how. Generally once the Pi is up and running it will have an IP address, go into your routers login and try to find somewhere in the settings Port Forward. There might be 2 empty fields where you enter 8333 and a field where you enter the Pis IP address, leave everything else default and save.)
Cheapest Raspberry Pi case you can find. The sole reason for the case I'm using is it was one of the cheapest on amazon I could find about 2 years ago. Link to case in pics
2.5" HDD or SSD of at least 250gb (preferably more). Need some way to connect the HDD to a USB port on the Pi. I had an old external case I bought years ago so I used that. You could try finding a cheap case on amazon like this or use a cable like this
Smallest microSD card you can find. I'm using a 2gb as that's the smallest I had but even a 10mb card would work. No need to waste storage here. Format to FAT32
Some kind of tape or thick double sided tape to hold everything together
*optional: Heat syncs placed on CPU and LAN chips on the Pi to help with heat dissipation.
Software needed on Windows PC (maybe Macs too, I don't use a Mac though)
WE'RE FINALLY READY TO INSTALL BITCOIN! Offical instructions here.
Good luck!
Here's a list of everything I ordered:
The Pi: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T2U7R7I/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The HDMI to VGA Adapter: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B016HL4CAY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
The Nano Wifi Stick: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003MTTJOY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I purchased the 2A power supply and microSD card from Walmart.
I used this Raspberry Pi setup guide for a 1080p TV in my bedroom. I went with OpenELEC instead of raspbmc. I set the interface resolution to 720 so it runs a little snappier, but it streams and renders 1080p video without a hitch.
All in, with a cheap Samsung TV, was just a shade over $200. That included an HDMI cable and a 50' chunk of cat5e. If you already have your projector, this setup will be pretty cheap:
Item | Price $USD |
Raspberry Pi 2B | 39.99 |
Flirc Raspberry Pi 2B case | 14.95 |
SanDisk 8GB Class 10 MicroSD | 7.40 |
Kootek 5V 2A Universal Micro USB Power Supply | 8.99 |
AmazonBasics RJ45 Cat-5e Network Ethernet Cable - 50 Feet | 9.47 |
AmazonBasics High-Speed HDMI Cable - 6.5 Feet | 5.49 |
Optional Items | |
FLIRC FL-09028 USB Universal Remote Control Receiver | 22.95 |
Universal Remote | 10.00 - ??? |
Total w/out remote and receiver | $86.29 |
Total w/ remote receiver | $109.24 (plus cost of remote) |
That's obviously using the first results that came up on Amazon. If you hunt for deals, you can probably shave some of that price down.
Some notes:
Quick EDIT: You can skip a remote altogether if you're OK with using a wireless keyboard/mouse. I'd recommend having one on hand anyway, as setting up your system will be a royal PITA trying to enter IP addresses, network credentials, et al., using just the remote.
I believe that this is the GitHub repository. My ideal concept would be to run HypriotOS on a Raspberry PI on a shelf at home with Docker running your web container. With a LetsEncrypt TLS certificate set to renew every 2 months.
Welcome to a TNO email model. You can now encrypt your emails to anyone on any vanilla SMTP server and you don't need to install apps anywhere and you can trust your own webserver as much as you can trust your ability to host a secure Raspberry PI.
If you think that hiding your email from Google is going to stop them from seeing the bits and bytes eventually you're kidding yourself. So if you can't beat em use em!
Edit: readability and clarity
Maplin doesn't have a broad selection of Raspberry Pi components (and 2 out of 3 stores don't have any Pi in stock, just their own expensive bundles). Plus, they are indeed more expensive than buying from Amazon. I'd suggest to buy from Amazon, and have them shipped to your place (free delivery is an option if you can wait).
Just a comparison will give you an idea of why Maplin is "not cheap"
Maplin store: http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/raspberry-pi-2-model-b-quad-core-1gb-mainboard-n02eb
Amazon UK store:http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00T2U7R7I
Raspberry Pi 2 B+ (Older versions are barely powerful enough for streaming 1080p): http://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-Model-Project-Board/dp/B00T2U7R7I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1452140774&sr=8-3&keywords=raspberry+pi+2+b%2B
Extra cable for the camera: https://www.adafruit.com/products/2144
This camera holder: https://www.adafruit.com/products/1434
This flexible camera mount: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MWNYGUS?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage
Follow the steps here: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/comments/2ahzp2/raspberry_pi_encoder_live_streaming_to_youtube/
The most important step is to download ffmpeg crosscompiled for arm from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0OC20ApqKZ_YVB3NHF6VU9XTUE/edit?usp=sharing
Then you can use my script: ./video.sh "Your custom message can go here"
SERVER="rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2" KEY="YOUR YOUTUBE KEY GOES HERE"
while true; do pkill -9 raspivid; pkill -9 ffmpeg; raspivid -o - -t 0 -ISO 100 -ev 0 -w 1920 -h 1080 -fps 25 -b 5500000 -g 50 -awb off -awbg 1.7,1.8 -st -ae 64,0xff,0x808000 -a "$1" -a 1025 | /home/pi/arm/bin/ffmpeg -re -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -f h264 -i - -vcodec copy -acodec aac -ab 160k -g 50 -strict experimental -f flv $SERVER/$KEY; done
My proposal is Raspberry pi 2:
Price $36.88 http://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-Model-Project-Board/dp/B00T2U7R7I
Advantage is that it is versatile and can be used for many other things.
My overview for what I am using it: http://www.matusbankovic.com/my-raspberry-pi/
the best rpi hardware wise is http://www.amazon.com/Raspberry-Pi-Model-Project-Board/dp/B00T2U7R7I/ref=sr_1_4?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1449084171&sr=1-4&keywords=raspberry+pi
if you are willing to spend this much thats great. if not i wouldnt go with the one you linked either (the 512mb B+) which is only slighty cheaper but more or less outdated, instead try to get the new zero, https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/pi-zero/ for the novelty factor of being a 5$ computer
it is hard to come by currently but cheaper. In either case the person needs a usb power adapter and a sd card to be able to use it. this is not something you necessarily have to gift as well and he/she probably already owns these things
check out /r/raspberry_pi for more information
You should be able to do that fairly easily off an Rpi, this Rpi2 model B most likely can perform on par or better than your P4 assuming everything you use is ported to ARM.
Rpi A+ might fit your budget a bit better, though it may not be able to do as much at once, you may need a large SD card or USB drive with some swap space.
This PCduino is probably the cheapest you'd want to go.
Double check your current normal use against what each of these boards offer so you don't end up spending money on something cool that isn't capable of doing what you need it to.
I'm still trying to find something I need.
But seeing stuff like this is not encouraging. Are they buying these retail and reselling them?
While I can just go here.
rapsberry pi I am concerned with having extra ports on it I won't need.
battery X 2
Recharable Battery Piece I am not sure f I need this due to breaking down the battery I have listed above
switch not sure if this will look good or not
soldering iron
it's even a Quad Core!
ive never had issues with, Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Desktop (Quad Core CPU 900 MHz, 1 GB RAM, Linux) You can even overclock it. Ive never experienced lag on a raspberry pi when playing snes or mame.
heres a download for RetroPi http://blog.petrockblock.com/retropie/retropie-downloads/
You can even turn the raspberry pi into another monitor for your computere or aka a Steamlink. Where you can play your steam games away from your computer on your tv in another room.
Moonlight Embedded is an open source implementation of NVIDIA's GameStream, as used by the NVIDIA Shield, but built for Linux.
Moonlight Embedded allows you to stream your full collection of Steam games from your powerful Windows desktop to your (embedded) Linux system, like Raspberry Pi, CuBox-i and Hummingboard.
To allow 1080p/60fps streaming you would want to overclock the PI here are the config.txt settings for the overclock rm_freq=1100 core_freq=500 sdram_freq=500 h264_freq=500 over_voltage=8 force_turbo=1 temp_limit=80
DISCLAIMER: Force_turbo will void your warranty since its keeps the clock on 100% without throttling, so you should use a heatsink with these settings.
plug them together, install software
Amazon keep stock and will post it out with Prime.
There is also http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00T2U7R7I which is in stock in the Amazon warehouse so should ship pretty quickly
Thanks for the downvotes! Here's the RPi2B for $38.70 on 'Cyber Monday' even http://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00T2U7R7I