I bought a used Madcatz SFIV stick on eBay. It works OK -- I've since bought a second used one and between the two have one that works.
However, not too long ago, Amazon had the Atrox Razer for Xbox 360/PC for just $89.
I've found that my Atrox arcade stick is leaps and bounds a far better product than the Madcatz ones. The Madcatz one just feels cheap: the buttons, the stick, event the base, it just feels cheap.
Compared to the Madcatz, the Atrox is heavier, on all accounts. It's much bigger, the buttons are heavier, and have more push in their depression (albeit much more sensitive than the Madcatz). Just my experience, but I'm always looking for deals on the Atrox to pick up another one.
whats making you come from pad to stick?
The Hori rap4 is an great choice, the sony venom is good but you may want to mod it a little, some places have been having razor atroxes for sales for around 80-90 and u can buy a converter for 40
Is this still worth it? Even though it seems like it still has compatibility issues with win 7?
The Razer Aatrox for Xbox360/PC was $80 yesterday on amazon (down from $200). If only you would've posted yesterday! Maybe keep an eye out for it to drop again?
You can get the Razer Atrox on Amazon for $80. Has Sanwa parts: https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Atrox-Arcade-Stick-Xbox-360/dp/B00DHF3NS6 Be sure to get the 360 version, the bad reviews seem to be all Xbox One related.
Also if you're only playing on PC you probably can't get a better price than this for a premium stick (no, the issues with PS4 prototypes didn't suddenly make this stick bad):
Thanks for the info! Would https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Atrox-Arcade-Stick-Xbox-360/dp/B00DHF3NS6 be decent? Sadly I live in a pretty small community and I doubt there's much of an FGC presence.
<strong>@AllGamingDealz</strong>: >2016-07-11 17:33:23 UTC
>Razer Atrox Arcade Stick - XBox 360 ($99.99/50% off) ><em>amazon.com</em>
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Are you sure? Some people are saying that even the 360 version has a problem: RT and LT buttons don't work. I think that means right trigger and left trigger, so PPP and KKK.
This is about $15 above what you're looking for, but I thought I'd post it anyways. https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Atrox-Arcade-Stick-Xbox-360/dp/B00DHF3NS6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1472366119&sr=8-1&keywords=razer+atrox+360
If you've got the credit, you can sign up for an Amazon Credit Card and get a $50 gift card. That's what my wife did when she got the Atrox for me. I'm really fond of the Atrox though.
Edit: This does work on PC just fine, I didn't have to do anything special to get it to work. Also to note, if you did go the amazon card route, that's 50 you can use on any of the fine sticks people have recommended as well.