Non-Chinese here who studied Chinese a good few years and spent some time in Mainland China. What I'm saying might not be totally accurate.
Overall I think your pronunciation is very good. Your tones are mostly good but once in a while they're off. A few times you said ji1 instead of ji3, you said fan4nao3 instead of fan2nao3, you said yi1xie3 instead of yixie2 or yi4xie2 or yi1xie2, probably more. I think you said something like gun4nan2 instead of kun4nan2. Be careful, go slow. When I was practicing characters the tone was as important as the character itself or as the syllable.
I'd say, don't force the whole beijinghua. To me, "zheme kunnan de shirrrrrrrrrr" sounds a bit like a non-Irish trying to sound Irish by forcing stuff like saying "bawt" instead of "but", or the whole "fock awwffff" pronunciation. Without going the total opposite (say going for the Taiwan accent), you can go for a dongbei accent which is often considered to be quite standard and neutral.
As I said, be careful with your tones, especially where they matter, but you also have to know not to care sometimes to not sound like you're speaking like you'd be reading from a book. Listen to TV, films, or your Chinese friends, you won't hear the tones spoken out loud so clearly for every single word. However, you won't hear wrong tones :)
However! After all the above criticism: you speak better than 99% of foreigners. Essentially, just be careful with your tones, which are already good.
How long have you studied the language? Do you study simplified or traditional characters? I keep recommending this book to learners: And I keep recommending to study both simplified and traditional at the same time, which is no extra effort if you're studying both at the same time.
Good luck!