Started with C25K as well this year. It's a great routine that got me back into running, after years of being off training.
I wasn't able to run a mile without getting heavily out of breath, even though I was a triathlete years ago. Just having a rigid plan an sticking to it, even if the first weeks seem fairly easy, helped me tremendously to not force myself into doing too much.
In addition I'd highly recommend you to get your hands on this particular book:
I started reading it along the first few weeks of training, slowly implementing one tip at a time, as I progressed. It completely changed my running technique. For the first time I noticed that my form was terrible, inefficient and pain inducing.
The mobility work described in this book stuck with me and it got a huge carry over to my weight lifting, as well. I got a pair of Nike Free (any more minimalist or barefeet shoe will do), avoid heel striking and all the shin pain is gone. I'm still actively working on my technique and this book is still a good resource to me.
From not being able to run a mile without my heart rate going through the rough (~190) I'm now comfortable running the 5k with at a 7-7.5 mile/h pace without pain and at 160-165bpm :)
Very pleased with the results :)
This book is extremely helpful for understanding causes of different pain, along with practical tools on fixing and preventing injury.
That's a great question!
(Disclaimer: I am not a PT, though I am a certified running coach)
The short answer is - both!
The longer answer is - whatever you will actually stick to long term.
The longest answer is - we usually think of mobility exercises as being done before a run, to help wake up those lazy muscles (I'm looking at you, hip flexors) and to start putting everything gently through their range of motion. Muscle strengthening is typically put at the end of a run. After the muscles are a bit fatigued, it's just easier to load a bit more work on them and get more gains for less (sort of). But because this routine is really high on the mobility scale and less on the strength scale, I think the preferred time to do it is before. But most people just don't have the patience to lay on the floor clam shelling before a run.
Personally, if I am dealing specifically with any kind of tightness or injury, I do the Myrtl routine before and after every. single. run. (And it works!) If I'm just trotting happily through life with no niggles or problems I'm trying to address, I throw it in after any run where I do strength (hills), speed (intervals), or a long run.
Another thing you might want to look into is doing the couch stretch, which would be done after (and only after) a run. It's possible that your front hip flexor is very tight and it's yanking your quad and not letting your leg fold neatly under you. That couch stretch will sort that shit right out.
I hope that was helpful, and not too much. Kelly Starrett is an awesome expert on these such things. I have his book Ready to Run and it's honestly just a trove of running specific exercise information.
I would suggest checking out this blog post:
He discusses some of the studies that I allude to.
This is also addressed in Kelly Starrett's book Ready To Run
Cramping can be from a ton of things, from dehydration, to nutritional deficiencies, or just a poor aerobic base. I would make sure you develop a solid aerobic base and see if that helps.
Don't get me wrong, I definitely think you should warm up, just not with static isolated stretches. Dynamic movements are key. I also use Foundation Training as a part of my warm up.
I also talk a good bit about getting into running shape here
These were the two books which have really helped me get more mobility and flexibility. Mainly this one though:
Here's the most comprehensive resource on the topic:
> You know nothing about running. >You should train for and finish a marathon at least once in your life. Everyone should feel the wall and the euphoria of pushing oneself through it to see the other side
Oh wow.... You really convinced me.
There's plenty of things you can do to push yourself which don't involve destroying your body. Does all running and marathons destroy your body? No but most people train the wrong way and too inefficiently that they end up with all sorts of crippling injuries.
And I'm talking about marathon runners who regularly take part in them, not just one off. My knowledge about running has come from reading books like Ready to Run and Body by Science.
If you don't have pain yet, great, but you'll want to fix it soon or you'll be in the IT band pain train. Secondly, you can be a graceful gazelle, you'll just have to focus on your recovery/flexibility as much as your running. Not as fun, but if you enjoy running, its what is necessary to keep the body functioning as it was designed.
Per some of the other comments, a shoe to fix pronation is only going to temporarily mask the underlying problem. Pronation is generally the body compensating for poor mechanics and/or poor range of motion upstream of the foot.
For accurate diagnosis, a PT would obviously be best.
In the interim, assess your range of motion first at your hip, then knee, then ankle. You can look to youtube for simple assessments and where you should be. Can't touch your toes? Start there. If you run a bunch and don't spend a considerable amount of time on targeted stretching, your Psoas is probably going to be a good place to start. When your hip lacks the ROM to pull the leg straight through, it will flair wide initiating a poor foot strike, from the outside in. Don't be discouraged, its going to take some time to resolve with focused practice.
While I'd say mobility is generally the cause of pronation, there is a strength component to this as well. Once you've fixed the ability to move correctly, focusing on running with proper form and glute/hip/quad exercises will lock in that proper strike.
If you'd rather throw $20 at the problem than hundreds at the PT, Ready to Run by Kelly Starrett is a decent book.