Right there with ya, bud. From 18-31 I was in a relationship all but a year and a bit. Honestly, this is the best part of being single. There are no rules, other than treat others as you want to be treated. I separated from my ex January 2017, but only really became "single" January this year as I was living under the same roof as her last year while separated. Focus on you and your child, first and foremost. Take the time to enjoy being single. Make sure you're connecting with friends and family, take up hobbies, and just enjoy this time. The day will come when you will find someone else, but until then, figure out the life you want and make a plan to get there. Also resist the urge to jump straight into another relationship. It's your life, but generally it's a good idea to work on yourself and figure out what went wrong in the marriage before you get involved seriously with another person. Again, it's your life, and you'll know when you feel ready, but when the loneliness hits it is far too easy to feel the urge to get with the first person who might give you attention.
I wish you luck. It can be scary, sad, lonely at times, but it is SO worth it. Sending you love, brother. You've got this. One more thing; my therapist recommended the book below to me, and I am slowly working my way through it and wish I had found it sooner. Hope it helps.
It's called Rebuilding. Also the 10-week workshop I did with a group was based on this book. There are other books out there, but I recommend this one.