I started out with a relatively inexpensive wrap (used 40 min/day each morning) and then graduated to BioMax panels (20 min/day each morning). It doesn't seem to matter much what time of day you use the light, some people prefer afternoon or before bed.
Inexpensive option: this wrap (use 40 min/day):
Red light panel comparison (use 20 min/day):
My personal red light panel (use 20 min/day):
A great comparison review for the red light panels: https://www.alexfergus.com/blog/best-red-light-therapy-body-panel-2021
I have a BioMax 900 and a 450, stacked vertically. An inexpensive option is a wrap like this, which I started out with: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/ But personally I would recommend getting at least a single 3' panel, it's much more powerful.
I assume you fixed your Vitamin D and Iron with supplements? Both anemia and low Vitamin D can be the result of chronic inflammation, hence how I fixed my anemia and dropped my iron supplements. It looks like T3 has the same problem: https://chriskresser.com/inflammation-strikes-again/
It's honestly mind-blowing how many health problems are essentially caused by chronic inflammation. I think this is why the red light aspect of this is so essential. It's hard for our bodies to recover from all this without a little help.
For anyone who stumbles across this later, /u/Battlemouse had a good comment history. They mention using two specific products in an update from earlier this year (https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturatedFat/comments/qt3wzt/lllt_red_light_ros_update_111321/):
DGYAO Red & Infrared Light Therapy Wrap (previously used, 40 min/day) -- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/
PlatinumLED BioMax 900 (currently using, 20 min/day) -- https://platinumtherapylights.com/products/biomax-rlt?variant=15601444487234
I bought this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/
I bought a simple red light wrap, which I'm still using: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX
I do a total of 40 minutes with it every morning, 20 min each on my back and front.
I just bought a PlatinumLED Biomax 900, and will be switching to that for full-body treatment once it arrives this Friday. https://platinumtherapylights.com/products/biomax-rlt
Yes, I use this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/
I do a total of 40 minutes with it every morning, 20 min each on my back and front.
There's no heat effect with LLLT, it's cold light. A sauna wouldn't really have anything to do with that, since a sauna only produces heat, not light.
I bought a simple red light wrap, which I'm still using: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/
I do a total of 40 minutes with it every morning, 20 min each on my back and front.
I have bought a PlatinumLED Biomax 900, and will be switching to that for full-body treatment once it arrives. Alas it's currently delayed due to the shipping crisis. https://platinumtherapylights.com/products/biomax-rlt
would you happen to have an example of one of these bulbs? How about those wrap belts they sell on Amazon, would that work? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FTKBHPX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1