Got it. Yeah - that just sucks from every single angle. Is there anyway you could get a smaller fridge for your vegan stuff and attach a lock to it? My husband lived in a boarding house for a short while and one of the guys had something like this. The owner flat out had a lock on a cabinet to keep his dry food safe.
That sounds extreme, but your food isn’t cheap, and it’s not like you can just grab any crap laying around.
Anyway, good luck hopefully finding a solution. Bugs in Florida heat are about the worst thing in the world!
Unfortunately I’m not too familiar with them, but looks like amazon has a fairly cheap one that works for all sizes:
Yeah it seems like she’s crazy wasteful, I’d suggest getting ready for a confrontation (before installing the fridge lock if you’re up to it, otherwise she’s likely to bring it up afterwards). She sounds like a huge mooch
You can since you have 1/2 inch of insulation but should you? No. Try this non-destructive method.
Refrigerator Door Lock with Padlock - White
I can't help with the sleep walking, but I just bought some of these for my fridge & pantry:
Refrigerator Door Lock with Padlock
Hoping it works, because when I wake up in the middle of the night on Xyrem I cant help myself from binging.
You can buy a braided steel freezer lock on amazon that binds with a strong adhesive cement that locks with a padlock. I bought this one and use it on the freezer door in my lab, it's bonds very securely.
This is something Jazz never really brings up, but if you read through r/narcolepsy or the Facebook support groups you'll see a TON of people with this problem.
> Like they're literally preventing me from giving into the Xywav drowsiness sometimes
It sounds like you might be waiting for Xywav to kick in before you go to sleep? I've found it really, really important to only take Xywav once I'm already in bed AND almost asleep. (I set an alarm for 30 minutes into the future in case I actually fall asleep before I can take it.)
If that doesn't help, try eating a small, fat-free snack before taking the Xywav. Yes, that might make the Xywav somewhat less effective, but that's a lot better than staying awake to eat afterwards and negating the whole dose. If this works for you, then gradually make the snack smaller and/or have it earlier in the evening until you find the right balance.
Also, if your living situation allows for it, look into refrigerator and pantry locks. If you live alone, consider locking up all of your food 2 hours before you take Xywav, and put the keys in a time delay safe that you can only open the next morning.
It took me a while to figure all of this out, but I've come to realize that my routine and choices in the 3-4 hours before taking Xywav are the most critical component of my entire narcolepsy treatment plan.
the solution is locks
ESH, but you could have worked around the problem for $19.95.
duuuuuuude just get a padlock
For securing odd miscellaneous equipment, we used items similar to these adhesive refrigerator locks to attach to the equipment, then computer security cables to tie them to one of the pads attached to something immovable. Attached to a solid, clean, flat surface that 3M VHB tape will not come off. They actually use it for specialized assembly of metal building fascia.
Interestingly, those refrigerator lockdown pads used to only be made as a sideline by one company named Aztek that specialized in computer/equipment lockdown stuff, but now all you can ever find is the refrigerator lockdowns. They used to have a whole line of things in various sizes, but they kind of disappeared off the face of the earth.
> cure
Problem solved.