My photo shows 3 different gates. So I'll assume this one
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Gate and Play Yard, White
Note, that's .ca, so just copy pasta the name of the item to your Amazon
>See I don’t feel like I can leave my daughter to play alone. Every time I do she ends up doing something destructive or something she shouldn’t. [...] So my entire day consists of me on the sofa playing with her or just making sure she doesn’t wreck the house.
Dude. You aren't a SAHD, you're a prisoner. I was a SAHM to three toddlers. You can't do that for 12-hours a day. Shit. You need to toddler proof the hell out of your house or make a small area you can gate off that you can leave her with toys and books for a bit at a time.
Look at the customer images on this Amazon product page for examples of what I mean.
We got a huge baby gate from Amazon to separate the living room from our driving room. Your picture looks like it has a big opening into your living room as well. This is the gate we use:
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
We used this and were pretty happy with it for containing our son to a decent sized area where the space was much too open to use any combination of gates. It can stand freely on its own and can be relatively stable depending on how it’s configured. It can and probably should be anchored into the wall for full security. That being said, I wasn’t really wanting to drill into the wall in multiple places, so I used the screws to secure the hardware to furring strips and than used command tape to attach to the walls. That probably wouldn’t have held for ever as he got older, but we ultimately just decided to take the whole thing down and let him roam more freely by that point, maybe around 18 months or so.
I wouldn't try putting up netting along the balcony - they could still get to that climbing ledge through it. Instead, I'd try stretching some netting or one of those extra long wall-mountable baby gates (something like this from one wall to another, sort of creating a triangle with the shape of the balcony. That way they can't even approach it. When they get old enough, you can take the gate down and spackle and paint the mount holes.
I have this exact one. I just screwed it into the drywall by hand and it holds pretty well.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
I think that's it. I have the same one. It's a mediocre pen but wonderful as a fence to keep little ones out of the home theater system. You can attach it at each end to the wall with screws.
We use this one around ours.
Sure! baby gate
Get those 192 inch gate and just wrap it around, connecting it from wall to wall, forming a 90 degree angle. I use the regalo ones. I wouldn't trust outward pressure on something like a stair, that's playing with fire. Babies are stronger than you give them credit for. Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts, also you can remove gates so it's somewhat adjustable.
I used one of these all over my house. The fact it's so long and modular made it great to quarter off sections of my house. You could wrap it around the entire banister section and it has a gate for easy in and out for adults.
you sound exactly like me with my corgi pup, friend. two things saved my wife and i from eternal regret: enforced naps in the crate, in another room. and getting a doggy/child play pen. trust me, you will never be happier being able to enforce even one nap for 1-2 hours of freedom, plus putting them in an enclosed space like a indoor play pen with a frozen kong/topple and a chew bone. may your league of legends games be ever in your favor.
So we used the Evenflo versatile gate system that others are talking about for a bit, and it works great! Until they can climb anything (1.5 - 2 years for us). We switched to this one. It's more expensive, but it's metal, and only has up and down beams, limiting footholds. It's also highly customizable.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide...
My first thought was the long flexible baby gates. My parents have one across their bulky brick fireplace that is around same size as equipment in your photo. Kind of like this one
We have this gate (we have the same problem at our house). It works excellent and you can take the excess panels out to adjust the length. It is pricey and probably bigger than you need for that opening. It also screws into the wall, so that might not be something you wanted to do. We found it was necessary especially because our awkward opening was at the top of the stairs.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
We got this: Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
It doesn’t have to be tall, but it needs a lid.
We at first got those puppy pens and she learned how to climb out. Don’t make the mistake of carrying her out over the pen which lets her know she can get out by climbing high. Once she learned that, your pen is useless.
I have a shorter version of one of these around my gas fire place.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
It’s mostly metal and pretty well built.
I used this one - no cross bars so they can’t climb, and the weight was helpful too. I tried a couple that my doodle drug around before I got this 😂
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
Regalo has a long baby gate and we really like it. The panels can come apart to fit the length you need. We split ours to go around the fireplace and cut off a portion of our living space.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
Yes, and if that's the case I'd recommend this instead:
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
With your hearth being in the middle of the room, you probably need something free-standing. Maybe something like this would work. I think you can remove panels to adjust the size, and you could probably secure it to the bricks on the sides of the chimney with some anchors if it isn't sturdy enough free-standing.
> gorgeous play room/office space
> bang on my laptop
> unplug stuff
> put his finger in outlets
You need a physical barrier between your work space and his play space. I used one of these huge gates to fence off the corner with my desk in our shared space.
We could still see and touch each other with the gate closed, but she couldn't unplug my stuff, bang on the keyboard, send weird IMs, etc. I would often leave the gate open, so she could run up for a hug/high five/patty cake, but not when I had to walk away or she was being mischievous.
The rest of the room was baby-proofed and a total "yes space" where I didn't have to constantly save her/our belongings from each other.
I'm 2.5 years into working from home with my daughter. You're right in the middle of the hardest part. He's mobile enough to drive you insane, but still too little to entertain himself very long. This will pass by quickly enough, but in the meantime, a gate might save your sanity.
One of ours has had surgery too actually. The stitches were super easy to take care of and healed so fast! They were bandaged the whole time I believe so we didn’t have to worry about them. I think we did keep her strictly crated for a little while after surgery, but not for long. She was back in bed with us shortly after haha.
I just replied to another comment about the gate if you want details and pics on how we use it! We got the gate from Costco many years ago, maybe 5. I know it has been there a couple times, but haven’t seen it in a while unfortunately. I think it was only $60 at Costco (again 5 years ago). I did find it on Amazon for $110 with 2 extra panels then what I got, so it ends up being not that much more. It’s honestly totally worth it. I actually just ordered it, so we don’t have to lug it up and downstairs anymore and can keep everything blocked off all day now.
OOF yeah that's a tough one! Is it in a hallway like space? A friend of mine had something similar, and on one side of the staircase was just the front door, the other side was a small hallway then the main great room. She put the gate in the hallway, so she didn't need to find something for the tricky stairs, and it has the bonus of keeping the kids away from the front door.
Otherwise yeah, I agree with the other posters, that something like this might be the only way, other than getting a carpenter in to do a custom job. I have some other ideas if you or your husband are handy, so let me know if you are.
I used this one and it was awesome! I had tried a cheaper one at first but Bear could easily push it around. So I sold it on Marketplace and got this per my trainer’s recommendation.
I’ve seen them on my local marketplace, hopefully you can find one that way! I also gave my guy a frozen topl or kong to work on to keep him busy. Worked great for afternoon nap time in the crate too.
We have something like this. So we have a large section of a room safe for babies to crawl and walk. We call it the play area.
We have an L-shape couch, and we bought a fence/gate ( to put around the couch and put a playmat down in the middle. When she got mobile enough that it felt restrictive we swung the fence around to the other wall, so she has basically the whole room except the things we wanted to gate off (TV, dog bowls, etc.). Has worked great and we're getting a lot of value out of it. 15 months old now and no plans to change the system soon.
Worst comes to worst, depending on the size of your dog and the layout of your apartment you could put up a gate to keep him away from the door.
I get he's a Houdini and so is mine (I put a luggage lock on the hasp of my Chihuahua's crate to keep him from getting out).
I have this enclosure and it has a sliding lock and he's yet to defeat it.
I’m using this. At night I will make it a square big so it will be a “crate”. You can make it into a play yard(check the 4th picture). Puppy shouldn’t be able to climb unless it is a giant puppy lol
Get a big baby gate that anchors to the wall. Then you can put it around the tv and stuff, it’ll protect your babe from all the dangerous stuff at once. We got this one, you can take pieces out and adjust size. you probably want soemtihng like this. I have one and it's endlessly flexible for different uses. my youngest kid is now 13 and the gate is currently across my front porch to keep the dog contained when I want to sit outside with her
it bolts to the wall on both ends but can also be a free standing gate and it’s pretty sturdy either way. my son hasn’t tried to use it to pull up yet but my cats jump off of and balance on it all day and it stays put.
Same split I have with my two. The oldest was March 2018 and the youngest September 2019.
It has been challenging and rewarding in so many ways. As the other poster said, always have a safe place for the infant. The older child (as was my case) may be super sweet and helpful one minute, and a pissed off jerk demon I wanted to shove back up in me the next. He has been super bitey recently. That has been fun... but I digress. I love the versatility of this one very much. Just look for it on the amazon in your country. That is a link to the Canadian amazon.
When he was in a swing or a bassinet I would make it into a big cage and put the baby inside. As they got older, I use it unfurled and bolted to the wall to separate rooms.
My biggest challenge has been if I am alone with both of them and the youngest needs to breast feed. I am rather pinned and the toddler can be a little assface getting into things, or trying to slap or bite his brother cuse he wants mommy. My significant other has been home due to Canada’s generous paternity leave, followed by covid, and can give the toddler what he needs. I have pretty much zip time to pump This time around and my kid gets way more formula than I would like. Such is life!
Late pregnancy was hard. I hired a baby sitter many days to come watch the toddler so I could just nap. Grant yourself leeway and grace. This is hard, but so effing amazing.
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1 we used this on our fireplace. It comes apart so you could potentially make two guards out of it. You would just need a second pair of anchors.
I really like this playpen, it is super sturdy and no crossbars so they are less likely to attempt to climb out.
If you have an area that is easy to clean up, I bought a metal playpen fence instead of a crate for my Toki when he was little. It can be made into a circle or attached to the wall. We just set it up in a circle in our sunroom with tile floors. It has a little gate on it, and has a safety latch. The size is great for a growing newf too, as it's much bigger than any crate you can buy. By the time he was big enough to push it around, he was okay to be left out of it. I'm really glad I went that route, and it's come in handy for other things now too.
As far as beds, mine goes back and forth between tile and bed. They have very nice beds for cheap at costco all the time, so I have dog beds all over the house (I have two non-newfs also.)
For grooming, I'm glad I spent the cash when he was a pup on a high velocity dryer and used it on him randomly. The brushes and rakes are a must have for sure, but the dryer doesn't always come up. It makes bathing much easier, as I can just totally dry him. You just have to use it carefully as to not knot the hair. He loves the damn thing though. I get it out of the closet and he practically knocks me over he's so excited. It's great for just blowing dirt out of their undercoat in between baths too.
Something you may want to consider is getting a large gate to divide up your house. I have a 6 month old puppy, 12 year old dog, 14 year old dog, and a 1 year old baby girl. The gate has been extremely useful just to have separate spaces for my daughter and the dogs.
You can get gates that can be secured to the wall, so it could totally fence in your fireplace and/or entertainment center. We mounted our television up inside the entertainment center and strapped the entertainment center to the wall. We have a series of ottomans and toy chests blocking it, too, so that he can't mess with the electronics.
You could try blocking off the fireplace, or using a pool noodle to at least make the edge softer. The steps are tough, it sounds like you're describing a sunken living room? We taught our son how to get down off of low furniture and small steps, I would probably work on that no matter what.
Check out Regalo brand gates and fences. We have one that mounts to the wall on both ends so it can be used in so many ways. You may just need to purchase a few and fence off some things! M
Edit: This is the gate we have. I think you can buy extra parts for it and it can be made bigger/smaller and used in a ton of ways.
Maybe something like this would work? I have never seen one of these in action so I dont know how good it is, but there are a bunch of brands too.
I bought this one, well I actually 2. Loved it! My guy never climbed it. Now we use it to keep the new dogs from bolting out the door.
this is our baby gate, it’s 192 inches at the longest(twice the length of what you need), and can have panels removed to make it shorter or even have extra ones bought to make it longer. It’s on amazon here.
At that point, you would probably need to make something yourself, or get a baby fence like this:
We stacked these. They worked great until our kid started literally swinging off them. Then we reinforced it with some metal brackets and zip ties and now it's great again. She's 2.5 and the thing is solid. We have it in a 4x4 panel configuration so she has an 8'x8' safe space. it's 12 panels because one side is along the wall, so we needed to buy two.
Then we were using two of these gym mats. We recently retired them because the upkeep was getting a bit much with potty training, but they are excellent quality and prevented many bumps and bruises. Bonus is a queen size sheet fits on top so before there were wet messes we just switched out sheets every couple days and things were kept clean fairly easily.
It was a bit of an investment but it's grown with us and served us well.
This design lets me break one really long baby gate into several sections. This section protects my camera and controller charging station as well as our one big heavy lamp.
This is the gate:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Files here if anyone wants them:
we have this one by regalo though it is very long so may be a bit larger than you needed
I have this gate and love it! It’s a little under 30” tall though.
I put a kids playpen around my system and it continues to work really well.
I bought one of these. I keep my dachshund in here when I’m not home. She has her bed, water, toys, etc. If you want more room, you can get more than one and make a bigger corral.
let me introduce you to a 16' gate...
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide...
That's a baby gate. Literally this one, and it comes preassembled. Whoever titled this has no idea what they're on about.
Something like this? We use it to gate off the entertainment center from my oldest.
We got 2 of these to fence in our basement play area. It was fairly simple to attach them together. extra long baby gate
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Use one of the multi segment gates.
Like this:
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate a… | $109.98 | $109.98 | 4.5/5.0 |
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The gate I have is screwed into the kitchen for a nice size play pen. Works so well I got a 2nd to gate off my back yard patio without screwing it into anything. It also works well for when i leave my 4 month old pup at a friends and just zip tie the ends together to make a circle. Highly recommend
Do you need a gate for a doorway, or a long fence to close off a wider gap?
I use this fence in our living room :
It has an opening that is good enough hut at times I do wish it was wider. I get caught on if sometimes but overall it's not the worst.
The one I really love is in kiddo's bedroom doorway. I specifically wanted a gate without a bottom bar as that's a trip hazard for me. I got this gate that's built to go in stairways and the opening is the full doorway, so it's very easy to maneuver around.
Is 28" tall ok?
You'll have to copy pasta the product name in .com if you're in the usa
I have an open floor plan as well, but this baby gate can be converted into a play pen and the dog cant climb
We've been very happy with this gate and this brand
It's available on the Canadian Amazon for $139! And it's priiiiiiiiime 🤤
Yep, this was what we used also. I'm sure you already know this, but make sure to proof the living room - plug up sockets, lock cabinets, anchor tall furnishings like bookcases to the wall, and hide visible cables. If possible and applicable, anchor your TV to the wall as well. And scour the floor for anything that shouldn't be there. Think small screws, dust bunnies, etc - if it's there, they will find it and they will eat it. Speaking from experience.
This is what we used:
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Adjustable Baby this has worked great for us: Gate and Play Yard, 4-In-1, Bonus Kit, Includes 4 Pack of Wall Mounts
not who you replied to but we have this baby gate and it’s great for large openings.
This baby gate Has many panels that you can adjust... maybe attach to the larger metal rail and into the end of the shorter wall and make a box around the top of the stairs?
Check out play yards. play yard
We actually bought this one to go around our brick fireplace. It’s adjustable and huge and works great to block space.
This worked for me after trying many different playpens for my Golden puppy climber:
The bars go vertical so he couldn't climb up on them. It's also quite sturdy and made out of metal. You can use it as a contained playpen or use it as a gate. You can even buy another one as an extension if you want to make it bigger. Eventually your puppy may grow too big for it but it should work for a while.
Depending on your layout of the apartment, you’ll want either baby gates or something like this or this. There are a ton of different types so finding out that works in your space might involve some searching. A pack n play is pretty small for playing. Once they start crawling they want to move around.
I bought 2 of these and love them!
Regalo 192-Inch Super Wide Gate and Play Yard, White
I just bought this one from Amazon but I haven't used it yet. It has really good reviews so I'm hoping it'll be great!
Here's what my setup looks like! I used this from Amazon! It's great because you can adjust the size, shape, and it has a walk-through gate. My bun is an escape artist so I had to put chicken wire around it, but it still works really well. :)
The floor is just some extra garage flooring we had laying around. :)
It's this one. Highly's easily transportable and great for my little pup. It fits the bed I use with room to spare and is pretty great.
I have this gate. You can remove panels to make it shorter.
We had several doorway gates similar to what /u/paul-jenkins posted, and they worked great for closing off rooms or hallways. These are better than the pressure gates like these because those are short and difficult to affix firmly. As your kid gets older she'll be able to either climb over them or knock them out completely.
But our house had an open floor plan, and lots of areas where a fixed gate just had no place to attach, or openings far too wide for one. We bought a couple of sets of gates like these, which can be daisy chained together and close off an arbitrary area. We never used them as a play pen like in the photo there, but instead did things like close off the top of our stairs (which had no place to affix a pressure gate because of an angled top step), put a barrier around our fire place in the winter, and around our grill in the summer time, as well as just close off awkward spaces.
Very flexible, you can do a lot with this kind of gate - we got them when our first was born, and kept using them in a variety of different situations until very recently. They could fold up as well, so when we went to my mom's house, which had very little baby proofing, we'd bring it along to close up some dangerous areas.