Honestly the more I read about Paperclip the less sure about that I get...
Reich Of The Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & The Cold War Allied Legend
Are you familiar with the Lockheed Skunkworks and the various whistleblowers that have come out and claimed that Anti-Gravity has already been discovered? There are also multiple scientist whistleblowers that have come out describing how Anti-Gravity works. What is your take on the Anti-Gravity Physics described below?:
Since you detail the UFO lore, does your documentary cover Project Blue Book, Project Aquarius, Project Pegasus, or Project Seagate? Are you aware of Majestic 12 and Cosmic 12? Do you think these projects are disinformation put out by the air force?
There are hours and hours and hours of taped UFO footage. Do you believe this is all faked to create a delusion that can be manipulated to control people? What is your take on the "Black Triangle" TR-3B? Is this real or doctored footage and if you think it's doctored, what would be the motivation and who do you think created this?
Are you familiar with the Nazi Bell and the Philadelphia Experiment? Are these proven experiments included in your documentary? What do you think about the Nazi Bell and Operation Paperclip?
More info if you're interested in the Nazi Bell: http://www.amazon.com/Reich-Of-The-Black-Sun/dp/1931882398
Since your thesis is that the Air Force is running a disinfo campaign, you must be aware of Project BlueBeam. And since we know that there are government Black Projects (like the one you are proposing), what do you think the end goal of the UFO disinfo campaign would be? Is it possible to stage a fake Alien invasion on a massive scale like the one you've alluded to with the guy who was destroyed with the "Fake aliens"? In other words, just like the fake "War on Drugs" and the fraudulent "War on Terror", could there be a fake "War on Aliens" as a nail in the coffin for all of our rights and freedoms?
Finally, since you propose that the Air Force is running a disinformation campaign designed to muddy the waters using "Mirage Men", how can we be sure that you yourself are not a "Mirage Man"? Where did the funding come for this movie and have you ever worked in government in any capacity?