The best part of this amazon page isn't the product, it's the "people who bought this also bought" section. So far I've found:
Do it yourself coffins: for people and pets
Latex-Free HandiDam® Rubber Dental Dam (Box of 20)
Canned whole chicken
Camel toe pads
"The night my dad went to jail" children's book
Redneck bubble bath
"Whats wrong with my snake?" instruction guide
A large variety of canned freeze dried meats
A reusable pubic hair toupe for women
Canned "creamed possum"
The horror of the Rejuvenique Mask.
Not quite. But still terrifying. Rejuvenique RJV10KIT Facial Toning Mask Kit
My friend's mom had one of these.
Looks like this one. (not for sale, not a plug)
So its actually a Rejuvenique electric face mask from the 90's not a hands free telephone link
Pretty sure that’s an electrode mask to keep your face looking young. But a phone would be way more useful!
[amazon link for ine](
This is not a telephone mask. It is a facial toning mask and they are available on Amazon. Rejuvenique Facial Toning Mask
Nope, but I think they're supposed to shock, based on reading the description and the fact that it uses contact gel.