Happy to help. As always, you're more than free to disagree if you see a more reasonable conclusion inside of reality to take!
Another few additions...time is an illusion. Don't sweat that "1000 years" thing. Right this moment, there could be a billion parallel universes, each with its own messenger escaping to Heaven, one per second (since world-lines are never perfectly aligned and, by nature of the math, are always slightly ajar from each other [for more information on this, please check out Relativity and Common Sense, though I warn you, Amazon reviews are controversial; Goodreads gives it a far better view]).
I try not to let the limitation of the physical reality I can see limit my imagination/rational explanation of what might be going on outside of what can be experienced.
Life, and philosophy of what we could/should do with our time is personal and, if you're like me, seemingly constantly changing and being revised to make more sense each and every day. Of course, "trying to do our best" is simple and tends to remain at the bottom of the pile of ideas, and is super practical when it comes to the vast changes that appear to be quickly coming in the world.
If we have done our best, it'll be easier to say goodbye (and begin anew again), as painful as the proposition might be. Death is never "easy" to face, though.
Best wishes and I appreciate the kind regards.