I was already meditating, and did a whole body/chakra alignment kind of thing just to get really deep into things. I had done a regression a few days before as well, if that's helpful. Once I focused on the leg for a while, I decided to look at a point before the pain was there. I went from sitting cross-legged to laying down and did a very basic regression to whenever the pain started. Immediately drawn to this point in time.
I haven't actually read it, but this book apparently one therapist has been doing regressions and also has identified non-past life entities as being able to attach to people and suck their energy.
To get into more detail, I know that this hate-filled past life worked for family members of mine I can trace to SC. I also didn't feel strongly that this was my past life, but simply a past life. I don't want to assume too much, but I kind of got the impression that this spirit had some animosity towards my ancient family and has decided to latch on to them out of spite and essentially curse them. Honestly, this was such a quick session that I don't know if I created this extra layer of drama in my conscious imagination or what, and this book would confirm all that conceptually.
I believe you're thinking of Remarkable Healings by Shakuntala Modi.
Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness https://www.amazon.com/dp/1571740791/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5KM2S6QEWFTSNDSV2GZD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Again, the Kundalini guys might be able to help. I'm not an expert on meditation, so can't say for certain as to the blockage. There are (and this will elicit more "um" responses), negative entities/ghosts out there that attracted to people like yourself. They can very much block meditative efforts, cause the EXACT symptoms you describe and can affect breathing.
If this is the case, prayer is your best bet.
A great book on this subject is:
Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness by Dr. Shakuntala Modi.
Exactly, the future's never set in stone. You can pray about it too. There are some books I think you'd be interested in, if you like doing proactive things against the dark forces and power elite:
Well, you didn't loose your husband. Your husband lost you, because while you are responsible with your mind, body and spirit, you are not responsible for his problems.
The main cause of mental illness, including schizophrenia and split personality, is inflicted traumas from the current and past lives. So your husband had been traumatized by dark beings while he was embodied in another life and was brutally killed, abused etc. The traumas caused a break in our soul crystalline structure. This is also known in the new age movement as "soul fragmentation". The crystalline structure makes up our 4 fold body which is
1, Identity body
2, Mental body
3, Emotional body
4, Physical body
When the crystalline structure is NOT damaged, we form our own distinct identity, mental thoughts, our emotions and our physical being on this planet. When our crystalline structure is damaged, holes or vacuum are formed on the damaged structure in any of the 4 fold body or all 4 bodies. The holes/vacuum are then filled by foreign dark entities who had inspired other human beings in your husband's past lives to traumatize him. All of us have the seeds of schizophrenia since we had all been traumatized somewhat by these dark beings. It's a matter of how much of the damage was done to one's crystalline structure, because if the damage isn't severe, the person still can maintain a sense of his/her identity, thoughts, emotions and physical senses. However, a person who is somewhat affected by the influence of foreign entities then study Reiki or any other Ki healing modalities to reduce STRESS and ANXIETY. But Reiki can not heal the crystalline structure. Unfortunately, the Western method of Reiki which deviated heavily from Dr. Usui original teachings actually accentuates or worsened the person's influence by dark beings because one of the criteria of studying Reiki is to have a pure mind, body and spirit. This is so you channel spiritual energy to heal and balance your energy and make contact with the heavenly beings for they can only help you or your husband repair the damaged crystalline structure of his soul. Or at least get your husband to a pure mind healer where he/she will use hypnotherapy to recall pass lives your husband and then let them go. That is how you can let go of the spirits. However, these spirits are extremely nasty, so that's why you need a pure mind healer to help. I had the experience of helping my sister who suffered from the same dire issues like your husband which was possessed by these demons and beasts and helping her was some of the scariest SHIT I had ever experienced. I also had experienced other similar things with people who carried a nasty demon and these dark beings are nasty and malicious.
But sometimes, it is typical of the issues facing people suffering from schizophrenia or split personality. You can't really help them at all because they will deny they are the problem. They burn sages and whatever thinking that will get rid of the beings. It doesn't work since these beings are already in your husband's crystalline structure.
You have 2 choices. You can leave him, because your child will be influenced by these demons in him. Or else I suggest you read this book by Dr. Shakuntala Modi and find someone who is equally qualified like Dr. Modi and has a pure mind with protection from the heavenly beings to help your husband.
Here's the book.
If everyone was presented with the afterlife consequences after they commit suicide from the spiritual realm perspective, then the majority of people will not go ahead with it. They realize they can't escape the rough life without learning the pertinent lessons and having to redo the lessons all over again.
Having said that; conventional treatment on mental health profession is also an unwillingness to acknowledge the spiritual cause of the disease itself. And so, very few professionals really have the willingness to work with patients using spiritual tools.
If you are somewhat spiritual, I would highly suggest that you read the book "Remarkable Healings" By Dr. Shakuntala Modi. She is a board certified psychiatrist and who also uses spiritual techniques to help resolve mental health illnesses on her clients.
The problem with modern day spirituality and mental health practices is the denial of demons and dark entities that do exist. They are part of the problem with many mental health patients going downhill mainly driven by these demons.
Having worked in nursing in the mental health ward where I saw and experienced many of these sh*tshow going on with the demons and entities basically controlling these patients and the suicidal thoughts projected by these entities, they are real. People's continual denial of these entities and the cause of mental illness is the reason why we are still in the dark ages in regards to helping people recover from mental illnesses and suicides.
Have a read on Dr. Shakuntala Modi's book.
There are several excellent books on dealing with possession that I all own.
Good books...I'll try to sum of some of the main points.
Start with prayer...this can work immediately in many cases. A good prayer is "God, please remove any negative entities and/or their influences. Amen." Simple, but effective and fast. Why? Because at some point we always let in these negative influences...we want them of what they bring to happen at a certain level. With a prayer it clarifies our intent that we do not.
Also, one theory of how the spiritual realm works is as follows. God constantly broadcasts energy (like electricity). Without this, we do not exist. We humans can not consume this energy (it's too potent) so invisible beings/angels act like transformers to step it down to allow us to access this. Even this is too much or at too high of a vibration for lower entities to consume, so they step it down by possessing/tormenting humans to give them their energy (mostly by making us think fearful thoughts). There are then even lower entities that torture the minor demons so they can thus consume their energy at even lower levels. Certain humans, like those undergoing Kundalini transformations are more attractive targets for the dark forces than others.
God can easily block lower entities from possessing or interfering with us. But by certain acts/thoughts we give them permission to re-enter. Because God respects our free will this happens...but with a clear prayer, an angel in service of God can immediately bind and free you from a negative entity.
I had a nasty experience in my life, where after calling the police on a neighbour who was beating up on his girlfriend, something invisible clawed at my thigh and drew blood. Later when meditating, I felt super noxious and sick...I felt like I was totally losing control and struggled to walk across the room. As soon as I said the prayer, "God, please remove any negative entities and/or their influences. Amen."...it was cleared up like that. There have been numerous other cases in which this prayer has proven to be super helpful as well.
There are strategies as well... More mundane, non spiritual strategies include being around moving water (negs hate this...perhaps because it drains their energy or moving god reminds them of God). In Protected by the Light, the author performs fascinating experiences with this and has observed negs being stopped by just by walking over a garden hose or an underground water pipe. Forgiveness supposedly can be effective...when we don't forgive we "make deals with the devil".
Other things that can help (supposedly) include no narcotics (alcohol/cigarettes/drugs) which can all all open holes in your protective auroa and let in the baddies. Strangely enough, garlic and other sulfer based products appear to have an effect. Keeping a clean living environment helps. In some cases the more advanced negs will pretend to go away, only to come back later. For advanced negs, you might need a professional. The books I suggested above reference professionals you can contact. Often times, local churches can do the trick as negs hate them. Call around...usually there will be at least one church that can help. These can be surprisingly effective.
Let us know what happens!