My opinion is that people who have not observed the ME directly are wasting their time trying to prove or disprove it. If you've observed the ME, you understand that the entire idea of looking for "scientific evidence" is laughable, because the ME pits deep, definite, detailed memories against the observable world. Thus, the only alternatives are that either memories are bogus or the world is bogus. Either alternative is equally terrifying and both render science moot (can't do science if you can't reliably remember the outcomes of your experiments!)
If you have a general interest in scientific study of the paranormal, then you're going to have to expand your scientific toolkit and start thinking more like an investigative journalist than like a physicist. There have been witch-hunts and satanic ritual abuse scares throughout history, but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. If you want to just wave it all away as a bunch of hysteria, that's easy enough. But if you want to understand what is happening, then you're going to have to be willing to dig deeper and entertain truly uncomfortable possibilities, even if you expect that you will eventually succeed in disproving them.
Lawrence Wright wrote a great book about this era in America.Remembering Satan