Also adding to list with this book. I used it as independent work outside of my therapist and DBT sessions, and it gave me a lot of really good insight into where many of my coping behaviors stemmed and how to work past them.
Repeat After Me: A Workbook for Adult Children Overcoming Dysfunctional Family Systems
I could have written your post and this comment. 37 and always feel like the odd one out. I've been in counseling on and off the last ten years and when my counselor started steering the conversation towards my childhood being the source of my lack of self worth I brushed it off because I thought I had a great childhood.
Well over the past year I have had some breakthroughs and have come to recognize I was emotionally neglected as a child. My parents are very caring and responsible, but flawed people. Exactly as your situation I believe my parents love me but my dad never verbalized it or showed affection, my mom says it and I don't say it back, I do but I just cannot say it.
I am just at the point of recognizing how that has affected me, accepting it, setting boundaries, and forgiving my parents as they did the best they could with the emotional landscapes they have. My counselor recommended a few work books on self compassion and one Repeat After Me adult children overcoming dysfunctional family symptoms.
I always had a hard time making friends, but after my divorce 3.5 years ago I made a concerted effort to maintain friendships. Having healthy emotional boundaries has made a huge difference as I did not have them before. I would take it personally if I was left out or plans cancelled, assume it was something wrong with me. Now I just accept it and don't see it as a reflection of my self worth.