I buy these on Amazon. I think they’ve gone up in price, but we’ll worth it. They literally fill up with those nasty pests. If you can’t wait for shipping, I believe they’re sold at Lowe’s in smaller quantities. They’re smelly, even before you add water, so keep them in the box. I tie them up away from areas of the yard I usually hang out.
I use these around my horse paddock, they work great. https://smile.amazon.com/RESCUE-Sterling-Disposable-Attractant-Insecticide/dp/B07DD28F84/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2YB2QQXMIDZ8M&dchild=1&keywords=fly+bags+outdoor+disposable&qid=1624821261&sprefix=fly%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-3
Thinking about raising rabbits for meat, so just popping in reading right now.
Here they are on Amazon. I think you can get them at Lowe’s or HD too though.