(Again sorry for the slow response, I've been on vacation and usually disconnect when I am =)
Congrats! Remember even if nothing pans out... You did it and your world didn't come crashing down.
Don't pin all your hopes on this girl, it's just a date. Enjoy it! (if you haven't already)
Remember, You only live once ... so don't live a life of regrets for chances not taken. ALWAYS take the chance when it's reasonable (and some times when it's not).
Did you manage to go out to lunch yet?
Next time try a "Would you like to go to lunch sometime", her: "Sure"
Follow that up with "How about [Insert date/Time] at [location]?" that way you can determine if the "Sure" was her just being nice or her actually being interested. If she's geniuninely interested she'll likely agree, or offer a counter place/time. if she isn't she might waffle a bit or say she has plans then.
Women are OFTEN put on the spot and sociologically they're taught not to be rude and they don't like disappointing people (Read the book Reviving Ophelia, it's a little old but really helped me understanding the pressure women are raised under, it's not gospel, but it is a good read).
Anyways, let me know how things went or how things are going =)
i'm saying children need to be kids to grow up.