Seems like the plastic that sticks out from the soldered analog box mechanism snapped off and broke inside of the plastic joystick cap.
You'll need:
- 1 replacement analog box (actual joystick mechanism that's soldered to the controller's PCB board) link to amazon
- 1 joystick cap replacement (included in the amazon link as well)
You'll have to take apart the controller, which uses Philips head screws, down to the two PCB boards (might be only 1 board... i know the elites use 2 boards). You'll have to unsolder the analog box from the board and re-solder the replacement to it.
Note, the analog box has to be snug when replaced, otherwise the contacts might not fit will and can cause drift.
You can connect the controller to a PC using the USB after soldering to check if it's not drifting before putting the whole thing back together.
I used this website to test the sticks. ([Gamepad Tester](
I didn't have much skill when I frankenstiened my friends broken series 1 & 2 controllers, but was able to get it done after a 2 hours. The most frustrating part was getting all the solder out of the small holes to remove the original analog box. Other than that, it's not too bad and you'll learn something.
Not really. If I was in Canada I'd probably go with this: -
You're paying for 4 stick modules as well, which you're not going to be using, but it's still reasonably priced for 4 sticks, 4 stick modules, and the tools you need, plus it's well-reviewed.