i just got this and i kinda love it. https://www.amazon.com/11ft-Camping-Hammock-Mosquito-Net/dp/B07NZJ197L/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=ridge+hammock&qid=1602890355&sr=8-5
i swapped out all the suspension for lighter stuff and it came out to 24.5oz.
This was Allegheny National Forest.
The hammock is a Ridge Outdoor Gear, cheaper but decent quality.
Ridge Outdoor Gear 11ft Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - Pinnacle 180 Ultralight Hammock Tent Bundle with Bug Netting, Straps, and Carabiners Half-Zip Style https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NZJ197L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_VEJVMZNWMH8P3KTXV45F
If you want to actually camp, and you have some money to spend, and you want it to be super easy, then get the Wanderlust or Wanderluxe kit with insulation from hammockgear.com - simple, everything included, easy, nothing to think about, and with the discount they offer when buying the kit, you really aren't going to beat the price for the quality and lightweight you get.
If you just want a hammock, this is the best one on Amazon:
Ridge Outdoor Gear 11ft Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - Pinnacle 180 https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07NZJ197L/
You could also go for the 360 version of you need the net to zip all the way down.
I have the old model of this and it's great. This upgraded model has pretty much all of the things I swapped out on the old model. You'll still need to find a tarp and insulation and fix up all the knots and ropes and whatnot. The Hammock Gear stuff is all knotless and pre assembled.
The wise owl is only 10' and is missing a ridgeline and bugnet.
Get this ridge hammock. I've replaced my dutchware netless with different extra nets with this ridge and it's awesome. If you like it, you can always upgrade to lighter straps or another ridgeline later, but for under $50 you get a full on hammock kit.
Also do yourself a favor and get an underquilt. For synthetic, get a jarbidge from arrowhead equipment. I love mine, but wish I'd have gone down for the compressibility. For down, go hammock gear for not much more in price. You can still use your bag as a top quilt or order an extra.
Or... where are you hiking along the AT? If you're anywhere south of Maryland in June I will probably be taking a trip at some point for a couple days and can just let you borrow one of my hammock setups. Would probably be my dutchware netless that I've replaced, but you'd at least see why I swapped it out. Let me know.
I got this as my intro to Camping Hammocks and am well pleased with it. I plan to pass it to my kids on camping trips as I’ll soon upgrade to one of the “Small Batch Artisan Hammock Shops” now that I’ve learned how to get a good hang and tarp setup.
This is a fantastic package for $49, and it includes everything except the insulation. Total cost for you with the HG quilts would be $329.
Ridge Outdoor Gear 11ft Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - Pinnacle 180 Ultralight Hammock Tent Bundle with Bug Netting, Straps, and Carabiners Half-Zip Style https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NZJ197L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_lP7ZFb4HS95RC?psc=1
For around $90 you can get an 11ft hammock (suspension included) with integrated bug net and a tarp on Amazon. Link to the hammock: 11ft Camping Hammock with Mosquito Net - 2019 Upgraded - Ultralight Hammock Tent Bundle with Bug Netting, Straps, and Carabiners (Grey-Orange Ripstop with Ridgeline, Double/Large) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NZJ197L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_-zL5Eb4ER79BN
That ridge outdoors hammock is almost a carbon copy of the hammock gear hammocks which retail for around $150.
I have this hammock and I think it was the best deal on amazon. I wish they were still available because it was only $50 and hold me up (heavy dude) and is 11ft with asymmetrical with a ridgeline and bug net. It said it wasn't made from 210 parachute material so that's part of why I bought it. Their website seems to be shut down :'(
Here is the tarp I got. worked great in high winds and cold rain so far. I think any of the $35 parabolic looking tarps are probably as good.
If you're worried about being dry and warm, but you're currently comfortable, why not put the bulk of your investment in a good tarp and underquilt?
That said, it's probably blasphemy around here, but I also am a car/moto camper and have been eyeing a Haven XL. https://haventents.com/collections/xl-hammock-tents
You don't need (or rather can't use) an underquilt with it, but it comes with an inflatable pad and tarp. I have no idea if it would work for me, but I'd really like to try. Apparently it's heavy, but I wouldn't be using it for backpacking, so I don't see a problem there. Hammocks give me just about the best sleep I've ever have, but I seem to get leg cramps sometimes unless I side sleep, which I can do.
This is a hammock I use though, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt. (I think it's great)
I've seen some other all-in-one type hammocks on here occasionally which I think would be interesting. I think they have rain flys and structure built-in, but I'm not sure if they are any good.
Of course, most people on here say Warbonnet and then this quilt for a good budget under quilt.
I wish there was a hammock emporium to visit.
sure! The price has gone up but this is the best UL/ Cheap backpacking Hammock I've found. Link!
I'd probably recommend either
Ridge outdoor gear - pinnacle 180/360 ( 180 you can unzip one side of the net 360 either side or take it off.
I'm using a Onewind ultralight camo, has no bugnet but will add a modular one when the weather gets warmer here in Australia
All my links are Aussie so may not be the best prices or the same stock for you, but they're both decent quality and price.alao reccomend getting an 11 food hammock straight away, much more comfortable. Have also made a few stealth videosvideos recently using the onewind if you're interested