Whatever you do, don't hook up an old laptop via Hdmi to your TV and Google "watch nba games online free" or "nba streams" or "buffstreams"
And certainly don't buy one of these to make your life easier: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_GfWXFb5ZRPCYC
Have it hooked onto my TV downstairs on wifi internet while my computer is wired using an ethernet cable, works amazing. Add on something like this to help navigate websites faster and a Xbox controller and I have a perfect set up to play steam games and watch online sports streams.
Games on the link is fine as long as it's not a game that requires super low input lag. I can't play like CSGO or Rocket League on it.. But any single player/casual game is great - Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Binding of Isaac, Enter the Gungeon are all fine.
That wireless keyboard/touchpad combo is the biggest piece of shit I've ever tried to use. Here it is for $18 on Amazon. I tried to use it in my living room to control a computer with a pickup receiver less than 3 feet away and it was choppy as all hell. The "touchpad" was a joke. I guess the only good thing about this was that it has a built in red laser to annoy my cat with.
I was given this for Xmas years ago. It does the job when I need it. I also use AnyDesk, TeamViewer, etc with my phone.
I got one of these. Haven’t had to get up to grab my normal keyboard/mouse since.
Looks like I found it on Amazon but is sold out….
Rii 2.4G Mini Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad Mouse,Lightweight Portable Wireless Keyboard Controller with USB Receiver Remote Control for Windows/ Mac/ Android/ PC/Tablets/ TV/Xbox/ PS3. X1-Black . https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_82PS52JW2HAKQQDVBB1C
Same! I use solidworks alot and im the only person from my company with a 3D scanner at home. Ive been using this micro keyboard cuz I have a big wall projector instead of a second computer monitor so I can usually do everything from this anywhere (unless the microwave is on)
That left handed number pad made me verbally say “damn thats sexy” cuz it is
We include one of these with every PC HMI, and keep some with us. Rii 2.4G Mini Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad Mouse,Lightweight Portable Wireless Keyboard Controller with USB Receiver Remote Control for Windows/ Mac/ Android/ PC/Tablets/ TV/Xbox/ PS3. X1-Black . https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_7ZQ7G64FCPK6D52AC43Z
I use one of these... Have it velcroed to the back of my (heavily modified)mvsx cabinet. Whenever I need to type something, I just reach over the top and rip it off the velcro. Drilled a small hole in the area for the charging cable to poke through. no regrets.
Ah, I know which one you're talking about, but the model itself escapes me. Give me a few. I think I can find it.
EDIT: Well, this is the one Linus used to use before they switched to that little teal presenter thing they use now.
Doesn't have the shoulder buttons though.
I don't quite understand... Are you the one using headphones or your viewers? What kind of performance is it? Why not have a playlist rather than clicking through all the tracks.
You're not going to find anything that fits exactly what you're trying to do. Short of building something.
What about a small wireless keyboard like this, and using software on a computer that's hidden away (something like QLab for Mac or Multiplay for PC) both are used to play back media Cues, and each cue can be assigned a 'hotkey' what will fire when the key is pressed.
Rii 2.4G Mini Wireless Keyboard with Touchpad Mouse,Lightweight Portable Wireless Keyboard Controller with USB Receiver Remote Control for Windows/ Mac/ Android/ PC/Tablets/ TV/Xbox/ PS3. X1-Black . https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_61m2FbYVT8JT7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The non-laser pointer version of this keyboard/mouse is smaller than my cell phone, functions fully in bios and all OSes without drivers and is cheap as hell.
I have this and it works great for the odd time I need it
I'd like to figure out how to use a Raspberry Pi to run my local fire company's program called IAmResponding. Basically I can just use a website to display everything that I need, so that's my base. I'd like to make it so that every time the device is turned on, it'll go to the IAR website and log in on startup. On top of that, I'd like to make sure I can do all of that before I buy all the necessary things in order to do it.
So what I need is a Raspberry Pi, programming, some sort of input device (I'm thinking of buying one of those mini keyboards with the touchpad thing next to it) and a way to connect to wi-fi.
Right now we're using a smart TV, but it's total crap. It'll only run IAR for about 12 hours before it stops responding.
I love this thing. Works great on my raspberry pi. I'm getting a mini PC with a full desktop install because this keyboard/ mouse combo is great to use.
Eh, I've been using the Windows apps for Netflix and Hulu for a bit, and they're not so bad (Plex however is atrocious). I was thinking I'd get one of those wireless mini-keyboard/trackpad doodads that people seem to like using with their Raspberry Pis. It would certainly solve the problem of an on-screen keyboard.
Thank you. I was looking at those and just wanted to be sure. I have never used a cable like that for anything before. BTW, do you know if wireless keyboards, mice will work out of the box? I am considering ordering this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5SW8MC
Sorry, I am really new at this.
There were a few programs that forced me to go to my host computer to get past the launcher. I just hooked up my mini wireless keyboard directly to the link to avoid the issue. Pretty sure you could just use a wireless mouse if you have one lying around. Before I had the link, I hooked up my laptop to the TV and used the wireless keyboard to navigate stuff. So far it looks like the steam link can replace my laptop entirely for streaming non-steam stuff.
As far as games hiding the launcher, I've only run into an issue when trying to launch Mass Effect. I've read launching that in windowed mode can fix the issue.
Nope. The only wires are the power and the HDMI cord. I bought this "remote" to use in case I repurpose the Pi for something else. Works out of the box, and usb rechargeable.
I just picked up this little guy about a week ago. It definitely beats having a full-size wireless keyboard on my coffee table; I chose it specifically because I wanted something the size of a TV remote. It's worthless for gaming though, best for HTPC use.
I don't have a details comment right now, since I forgot to put my TMUX rc on my dotfiles repo. I plan on changing it a little and I'll update with one
Oh my this got more attention than I thought. So here's the finer details:
Computer: Raspberry Pi 3 B+
Display: 3.5" PiTFT
Tmux Conf: On my doflie repo
Keyboard for 'pocket' use: This thing
I don't have a case yet, but I'm working with a buddy of mine to make a custom one. If we are able to get it made I'll post it to this sub.
I have this one on my media centre and it is pretty good, and cheap:
Get something like this to go with it
If your system/plugins don't support it, you can get a usb wireless mini keyboard/mouse that works well too - https://smile.amazon.com/Rii-Wireless-Keyboard-Lightweight-Controller/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3A3Z7W2FOBRHK
I have a couple of these (when I bought them, it was the iClever RC-F01, but it looks like the model jumps all over the place).
Baiscally, amazon search "Ultra Mini Wireless Keyboard with Mouse Touchpad", and look for ones with the same form factor.
How about one of these?
http://www.amazon.com/Rii-mini-X1-Raspberry-KP-810-10LL/dp/B00I5SW8MC http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Z81U3YY/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_dp_ss_1?pf_rd_p=1944687442&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B006W494ZA&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0VDCA1A71KEJH0HMB6BP
You can use a bluetooth mouse, btw, and they make mini keyboard mouse combos. I used to program on a GPD Win/ Win 2 on the go and thumb typing isnt so bad becuase most IDEs have some form of autocomplete, godot as well.
[Heres an example](https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Wireless-Keyboard-Lightweight-Controller/dp/B00I5SW8MC)
So do note you cannot export your project from android. I tried everything. I used Termux (linux based command line for android) to install Java and still could not export.
Anytime! I have a Dell D6000 dock that I tried with it and it worked perfectly. I love the ability to run a desktop on the deck, but the lack of inputs make it super irritating to do anything. The keyboard and mouse, at the very least, are essential if you want to use the desktop mode for working on the system. The touch screen keyboard just isn't enough.
I also have a keyboard+touchpad that I got after the head of IT left a company I worked at and I was the scrub that got to clean his office. I just tried it last night with a usb-c to USB converter and it worked pretty well. Figured I'd mention it as it's way cheaper and sort of a shortcut to getting the functionality of a dock setup ($20 vs $80, don't know the adapter cost)
I use one of these for my TV connected PC:
There's a function to rotate the arrow keys for when you're holding it lengthwise like a remote, and it's no harder to type with than a phone keyboard.
There are a couple of different styles / shapes, so something else might work better for you.
I just use a keyboard/trackpad combo like this one. I'd recommend one with a backlit keyboard. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC
These things are so cool. I’ve been using this one with other devices, will probably keep it paired to my Steam Deck when it gets here.
If your looking for a small keyboard with a trackpad, this one on Amazon seems perfect for a cyber deck https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_47AS4NF95HNBV1C48RXG
Here's the keyboard
i found one image (only) when i did an image search sorry its an amazon link but the model name is in the listing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_53HN42YDX7EK3ZCBENW9
You should be fine with any modern wireless kb/mouse. Devices that come with a USB widget ought to work right out of the box with Pi OS and many flavors of Linux. You may have to do some more work to get Bluetooth up and running, but thankfully keyboards and mice fall under HID standards, which are widely adopted.
I have a mini keyboard/trackpad with a widget as well as an inexpensive mechanical BT keyboard and they both work great with the Pi 4b.
For the exceedingly infrequent times when I need a keyboard, I use this one:
I mean you could do something like this.
Linus was able to stuff a Ryzen 3900XT, RTX 3080, 240mm AIO cooler, and 32GB of RAM into a ITX build with very good temps considering the components and the fact it was in an ITX build.
I'd also recommend getting a mini keyboard to navigate the OS and an Xbox controller for playing games that support it.
I've been using these ones for my Raspberry Pis for years.
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
It's a Rii wireless keyboard on Amazon:
I used a mini keyboard with my media PC.
Rii Mini Wireless 2.4GHz Keyboard with Mouse Touchpad Remote Control, Black (mini X1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_D1iHBbNJF3A2T
I've been very happy with this little guy. The USB dongle works perfectly with my Pi.
Yep, it's essentially this: Mini Wireless Keyboard with Mouse
It doesn't get any smaller.
I have this and it works fine. The tv doesn't control anything, just shows the picture when changed to the correct input.
I have one of these, which is nice and small and fairly reliable.
And this one is interesting:
But the K400 is the tits.
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
get one of these bad boys: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5SW8MC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
plug that sumbitch in, launch whatever game you want in mame, then go ahead and whack that tab key, then configure controls.
I keep it velcro'ed to the back of the cabinet for easy access.
I assume you're taking the time to have a dialogue with me, because i'm pretty much the only one here who hasn't called you a name, implied that you're insane, or mentally deficient, or been overly rude to you....thanks, i appreciate that. I love a good conversation, especially when it involves solving a problem.
One thing you could do, is set up a sub-account, specifically for your kids, with all the parental options set up the way you want them. I'm assuming you haven't done this yet. If you have, then i shall move on to my next idea..
You could pick up something like this, and stash it in a drawer, or somewhere up high, away from destructive hands..
>Rii wireless keyboard/mice controller
https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Wireless-Keyboard-Touchpad-Control/dp/B00I5SW8MC/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 is that what you are talking about?
It doesn't seem to have the best reviews.
I don't know, maybe? But I'd suggest getting this keyboard.