I have chickens and the feed attracts mice. This was a game changer. The trick is getting them used to feeding on it. Tape the flap from the underside for a week or two and keep replacing the bait as it depletes. Once you're ready, pull the tape and you'll get most if not all in one night. I got 8 in one night once. Now I use it as needed if I find signs of mice. I will note that I have it set up in the garage because that's where they were nesting. This may be a little too much to place inside the house for a few weeks.
I have had good luck with a bucket trap like this one. https://www.amazon.com/RinneTraps-Bucket-Outdoor-Compatible-Manufacturer/dp/B08SL6KJ29 I didn’t want to use poison because I was worried that my neighbor’s cat would eat a poisoned mouse and get sick. My kitchen is the problem, so I put out the trap with peanut butter before I go to bed. The mouse goes for it, falls in, and drowns. In the morning I take the bucket outside and dump the water and the mouse out back and dump it in the bushes where some wild animal will take away the dead (but not poisoned mouse). I’ve caught six in the last couple of months.
So I’m a (very) recent convert to the “bucket” style of mousetrap. Have you tried those?
I got a knockoff version of this one before I knew it was a knock-off - and it’s been great so far.
You attach it to a standard 5-gallon bucket, and can either put some cloth in the bucket if you want a non-lethal trap, or fill it with water if you want a lethal trap. Can catch multiple mice in an evening and is pretty difficult for them to escape. Highly recommend.
They make better mouse traps. Check out Shawn Woods on YouTube.
This one has worked excellent for me. Fill bucket halfway with water, but some peanut butter on the underside of the lid (stick some sunflower seeds into the peanut butter).
You'll be catching tens of mice daily.
RinneTraps - Flip N Slide Bucket... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SL6KJ29?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
If you have the space in your crawl space consider setting up a 5 gallon bucket. Fill it 1/3 to 1/2 with water. Install this on top RinneTraps - Flip N Slide Bucket Lid Mouse Trap |Humane or Lethal| |Trap Door Style| |Multi Catch |Auto Reset| |Indoor Outdoor| |No See Kill| |5 Gallon Bucket Compatible| Made in USA (1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SL6KJ29
We use no-kill traps then release them in parks. Our main pests are chipmunks, so we use a no kill cage to trap them, but there is a trap you attach to a bucket that is great for mice. Put something soft like a blanket at the bottom of the bucket so they don't get hurt when they fall in.
RinneTraps - Flip N Slide Bucket Lid Mouse Trap |Humane or Lethal| |Trap Door Style| |Multi Catch |Auto Reset| |Indoor Outdoor| |No See Kill| |5 Gallon Bucket Compatible| Made in USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SL6KJ29/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_S9HGFJZ288M0VD050KP5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've witnessed a chipmunk pull a baby bird from a nest and eat it while momma bird freaked out nearby. They are savages.
One of these, while maybe ethically questionable, is wildly effective for both chipmunks and mice.
You can try this if you suspect you have an infestation.
RinneTraps - Flip N Slide Bucket... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SL6KJ29?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
This is a game changer for large number of mice... https://www.amazon.com/RinneTraps-Bucket-Outdoor-Compatible-Manufacturer/dp/B08SL6KJ29/
This can be kill or live catch. https://www.amazon.com/RinneTraps-Bucket-Outdoor-Compatible-Manufacturer/dp/B08SL6KJ29?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1
Just bait with peanut butter. If you want to kill just put water in the bucket.
Got the same problem at my place. If you have a garage, use the bucket trap.
If you need indoor stuff, there are sonic guards and smell aways that work well. (Tho the smell stuff is very pungent and its hit or miss if youll like it)
I saw these humane traps on Youtube - they were catching shitloads of mice. You put them on a bucket, then just empty the bucket in the bush every day.
Amazon link
Here's the original, there are a thousand rip-offs: https://www.amazon.com/RinneTraps-Bucket-Humane-Outdoor-Compatible/dp/B08SL6KJ29
U.S. link for those of us stateside…
Glue traps and snap traps require cleaning, glue traps being the worst since they’re alive. And snap traps can get messy. Try using one of these for a bit.
That is a Chinese knockoff. These were invented and sold by Rinne traps, a US family run company, before they were featured on Mousetrap Monday. Chinese companies quickly started selling low quality knockoffs.
Misschien is dit een oplossing, zag ik een youtube video over. Hier ook te verkrijgen, kost wel iets voor wat het is, maar moet erg goed werken.
Are you parking in a garage? If so maybe just setup a bucket trap near the van and catch them in that?
Bucket traps. Get a 5-gallon bucket and put a couple inches of water in the bottom. Keeps them from jumping out and eventually drowns them. Peanut butter goes above the water with a ramp up to the top and a way for them to fall in. You can make this yourself or buy kits.
Newest one. This one is the original and made in the USA, but you'll find a bunch of chinese knockoffs for cheaper if you need it.