Save yourself the noise and cost if its purely about pet hair. Look into getting a carpet rake. Got one for a buddy who has 2 huskies and he loves it.
So I’ve tried the rubber kind and the work well but at very tiring to use. We’ve switched to the clear, hard plastic bristled one and find that it works really well to dislodge the fur from deep in the carpet before vacuuming. I find it works best if you drag it in one direction the and then in the opposite direction like an X pattern. Roberts 70-127-3 Carpet Rake & Groomer this is the one we use
There may be more BIFL ones available, but this one was on sale when I decided I needed one.
A carpet rake will also work well.
Roberts 70-127-3 Carpet Rake
Hope I did that right. I dont work for them. This is not an ad. Just the one i tried out and liked.