Highly recommend the key step. Everyone uses it because for 120 bucks you can’t get better — arp, sequence and decent keybed.
If you are strapped for cash, I bought this too and its outstanding for 21.99. I use it for my nts-1 and my key step for other synths.
Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard for Wii and WiiU https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003RS19XE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_z7sqFb220TBPF
The absolute best value?
Get a volca keys — used if possible. So that’s anywhere from 75-150 dollars
Then get a cheap MIDI keyboard.this one on amazon I have and it is great for twenty bucks — the best 20 bucks I’ve spent on gear. So that’s 25 dollars
Then just get your AC adapter and a midi cable and boy, are you set.
If you get a used volca Keys then you can probably get all of that stuff for less than 150 total.
I hope I'm not too late on this.
This is probably going to best the cheapest priced midi with din out keyboard you will find.
Honestly, The Wii Keyboard for $25 is a really good deal. and has real midi out.
wii rockband is my go to cheap 2 octave keyboard, its $26 right now.
Rock Band 3 Wireless Keyboard for Wii and WiiU https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003RS19XE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TN2F2E1AJ487E8FWGWKE?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Especially since they're $30 new