> tentam forçar produtos desnecessários às pessoas
Então a culpa é das pessoas que não sabem investir em produtos necessários
> inventam necessidades previamente inexistentes,
Tipo comunicação à distância? Tipo puderes ouvir música ou um livro enquanto corres e andas? Isto é simplesmente um argumento estúpido, a maioria daquilo que tomas por garantido começou por ser uma necessidade previamente inexistente
> tudo na promessa de felicidade que nunca chega
Passa pelo kickstarter e diz-me quantos produtos é que vês onde o pitch inclua a palavra felicidade ou ande à volta dela. Dou-te exemplo do último kickstarter que fundei, este caderno: https://www.amazon.com/Rocketbook-WAV-S-Wave-Smart-Notebook/dp/B01GU6TINM. Não o comprei porque me disseram que ia ser mais feliz
> desire nunca é satisfeito.
Eu começo a desconfiar que tu associas o marketing a grandes companhias e a anuncios de perfumes e de carros que prometem mulheres e felicidade e um estilo de vida totalmente diferente. É uma visão 100% errada e muito estreita daquilo que o marketing é. Deves achar que um negócio pequeno conseguia sobreviver sem um esforço de publicidade.
Eu se fosse a ti informava-me mais antes de mandar postas. Mas sei que não posso pedir muito.
Check this out:
A smart notebook, you use a ball point pen to write on it, then an app to capture and file to different locations - Dropbox, etc. When you are done you put the notebook in the microwave for a few minutes and the ink disappears and you can start all over again with a clean slate.
Then I recommend this digital notebook. It is expensive, but it fits your requirements perfectly. Amazon Link: Rocketbook
upvoting in hopes others add to this.
Here's mine. As a student i have a courses notebook. each class gets a section. Each semester of classes get a section group. Thats the hierarchy. I too use a surface with the pen. when i get to class i pull out the tablet, launch ON with a click of a pen, if its not already open and add a new page. ill write down what is being taught while simultaneously recording audio for anything i may have missed. after class or at the end of the day ill go back and rename the day's page and might highlight some of the key points from the lecture. if the teacher passes out any papers, ill take a quick snap with Office Lens and file them with ON. I don't like holding on to papers so they get tossed. and thats pretty much it. Every thing just gets either written, sent to, saved in, or printed to ON and filed to the proper notebook to keep for ever.
I'm sure the venue should suffice for your note taking need. your method of note taking is completely yours. whether its web, outline, bullet journal or any of the many other ways. My question is are you using the app or the desktop version of ON? that might be the difference maker for you. and if you do know the difference and use your preferred version, than perhaps it is the device and possibly consider the surface.
And if its how tablet writing feels in general than perhaps you might consider this https://www.amazon.com/Rocketbook-WAV-S-Wave-Smart-Notebook/dp/B01GU6TINM/ref=pd_ybh_a_22?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=NZC9YFC01AY4TFQ15C8P
its a notebook that you can use with an app to upload to any of your preferred note applications and when you're done with the page, pop it into the microwave and the ink erases like magic.
Best of luck op
It's neat but it reminded me of this reusable notebook and pens you can buy for $25 on Amazon right now https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GU6TINM https://youtu.be/U9Kas8l38Kc
Gets good reviews but I've never tried it. Ad copy says it can be used 5 times but reviewers have said they've gotten 14 uses.
Using 1 notebook seems better than using a stack of 14 and doesn't look like it would require more resources to produce. Although if you cary a smartphone I guess it's still a waste of resources if we want to go all the way down that rabbit hole.
Why not both?
Think they're referring to a Rocketbook type of notebook