This thing. There's a few different brands but as near as I can tell they're exactly the same. Heavy thing too. I don't know what it would be on Korean Amazon but you're looking for a 'step down voltage converter' in English. There's smaller profile ones too but given the resistors involved in making the magic happen, I'm not sure how reliable they are.
I'd assume any reputable step down transformer would do the job. Below is one i found from a quick search but I would recommend more research as you don't want to cheap out on these parts.
That's a jolly big transformer, that will be ugly, hum, and waste power.
I got a 2KW one on ebay for $1 (and another $100 or so for shipping) when I moved to north-america, the previous owner had used it for a commercial photocopier.
A voltage converter should work, maybe your volt converter is just cheap or bad or doesn't support the required wattage of your coffee machine? A lot of the converters I'm seeing on market supports up to 200W.
You can search for a volt converter online that has high ratings and supports high wattage. There are cheap ones ($25-40 or so) where reviews aren't so great and then there are a bit more pricey ($70-100) ones that have solid reviews. I found this
Anyways, I think asking a group of engineers or more specifically electrical engineers would be better lol. They should be able to give you more relevant answers with confidence.
Hi Squirrel!
Ok it's a complicated situation. The main power i'm drawing from is a 220v-240v British Type G outlet.
A 2000 watt Power Converter with the standard North American pin, will go in to this outlet and convert to 120v.
Reference product:
I was just told by a stranger that it is safe to use a 2000 watt power converter for a 200-300 watt slow cooker. Is it really safe?
The 2nd problem i'm facing is, how do i convert the North American pin into British Type G pin to draw power?
Both the cords say 125v.
The washer cord says 7A the dryer cord says 15A.
I plugged both of them into my American (120volt) outlet and they start up and everything is fine.
My concern is if I use them for extended periods as a daily washer dryer It may fry the appliances.
Looking at washer sticker it reads: 100v / 50/60hz / 340/400W
The dryer sticker reads 100V/ 1275W / 50-60hz
Hows this transformer?
Or this one looks better? More accurate?
Thanks for the help!!
This is the one I am using :)
yeah, that one says 250 watts max.
you're gonna have to spend a hundred or so probably for a decent high wattage one
edited link:
You can use a step up/down converter.
So the grainfather that I have is a NEMA 6-50 and I can’t seem to find an adapted to go from 14-50 to 6-50, but Would this work as an alternative:
Here’s the 2000 watt version bud. I just grabbed the first link on Amazon, here’s the second
What about something like this?
Only for devices that are rated for 120V-only and that you can't do without. Make sure it's an actual step-down transformer like this one, not one of those suspiciously small cheapo 'converters' like this one. The cheapo ones don't work for most devices.
Given that step-down transformers are pretty large, heavy and expensive, it only makes sense to use one for more expensive devices. For something like a clothes iron, you're probably better off buying one locally.
You would need an AC power converter that can handle at least 1500W to be on the safe side. Something like this.
Why wouldn't I be able to use one of these?
ROCKSTONE POWER 2000 Watt Voltage Converter Transformer - Heavy Duty Step Up/Down AC 110V/120V/220V/240V Power Converter - Circuit Breaker Protection – DC 5V USB Port - CE Certified [3-Year Warranty]