The one I was looking at was around $100 on amazon right now. I know its a little pricey but the portability and size are big factors for me.
It looks like you are all about portability and storage like me. You should check out Jawhorse.
I use mine to clamp a sheet of plywood to use as a table it is awesome. My Jawhorse came with a 2x4 outrigger leg adapter for stability when making a portable workbench. When I’m all don it all stands back up against the wall.
Let me introduce you to the Rockwell JawHorse. I lived in a house with a converted garage, so nowhere to have a vice. I built both of my AR-15 uppers and my AR-10 upper using one of these. It worked fantastic, and it folds up to store in a closet. Just get a quality upper vice block (I used No-M.A.R) and a cheap torque wrench from somewhere like Harbor Freight and you're good to go. You can probably find the JawHorse cheaper than Amazon if you shop around a little.
Thank you!
1) The brush attachments comes from a generic hardware store pack with about ten different attachments for grinding, brushing and polishing, I had the choice to spend ten bucks for a single brush attachment or 11 bucks for the whole set and thought it can't be that bad. So far I'm quite happy with it, haven't even tried the other attachments but it came with a polishing wheel (and paste) that I will probably get a fair amount of use out of. That attachment is then hooked into a flexible thing made by Dewalt (very uncommon to find Dewalt products here in Germany) that was really expensive but I bought it because it's rated for use with impact drills which might come in handy.
2) It is really good, it's a Batavia Crok Lock, but different companies produce the exact same thing. For example I found this on US Amazon that seems to be the exact same thing. I just got it (first time I used it) and it's amazing because it holds everything firmly in place and folds down to a small size.
3) Exactly, I fastened it in the chuck carefully to avoid harming the threads and then cleaned it that way. I tried the wire brush attachment on the two large bolts but it was hard to hold steady and this was easier in the end.
I have a pair of said jawhorses from rockwell, love'm. No idea how good rigids are in comparison though. Considering the price difference I'd just get the rockwell, $10 extra via amazon:
But agreed, for the money, a standard, good sawhorse and set of clamps is way better bang/buck and utility.
My condo isn’t much larger but have the same challenge. I was thinking of investing in something more sturdy like Rockwell’s Jawhorse. Definitely larger and more vice oriented, but I already have tables I can put parts on. I see the need to hold things securely.
Not a stupid question at all. This is Rockwell version. I got the harbor freight version for 100$. Love it.
> Rockwell Lockjaw
this thing?
I have this one (got it for $99 which it drops to about twice a year) and really like it. It can only open I think 37". If you use full size sheets of plywood regularly then you should go with the sheet master as it can open to 49" and holds a solid sheet of plywood.