That 600W led isn't a horrible option but very likely to be bottom tier chinese stuff considering not a brand in sight. Best possible option for your $100 would be something like 2 x Cree 3070 COBs $~25 each and a meanwell driver ($50-60~) but this is a bit of electronics and soldering which isn't everyone's cup of tea. May take some research but you'll get vastly better results for your money than anything else at this price, period.
Otherwise there's a brand on Amazon called 'Roleadro' which exist somewhere between Shit-tier chinese and decent quality stuff. The newer ones even use COBs
yeah maybe more, who knows, i'm a beginner it's only my third grow. Dunno the real wattage, amazon says "Actual wattage: 200w±5%" for whatever it's worth amazon link
I've tried a few of the budget options from Amazon. They will work, just not the greatest. Also, several aren't actually what they say they are wattage wise. The actual rated power can vary anywhere up to 10w from my testing (on these smaller 30-50w actual fixtures).
My two remaining sub100$ lights based off performance are these guys and both are in my tent now supporting fruiting pepper plants: Roleadro HYG08-2X400W-W 800W COB Full Spectrum Grow Light LED Plant Lamp with ON/Off Switch and Daisy Chain Function, 2nd Generation Flowering and Veg
The other was a Marshydro 240w blurple that is either out of stock or not sold anymore, I believe it was right around 100$ as well.
With all of the cheaper blurple boards I had, I was fine vegging usually, flowering and fruiting was typically extremely difficult however. Both of my current lights do fine through all stages.
The cheapies usually will work fine for things like herbs or microgreens, but begin to show their true colors of being cheap when you get either too big of a plant or are trying to get a plant to flower and put on fruit. That's my experience at least.
DIY = do it yourself
that means you need the tools and the knowledge. Roleadro cobs are still not proper cobs. get cree cobs cxb3590 or bust.
you could buy 2 of these but they are essentially cheap ripoffs using cob for marketing purposes
look at it this way. you can use cheap LEDS but youll get about half the watt/gram ratio for same wattage used. with 3 roleadro you might push 600 true watts but they run hot as hell don't have the same standard of quality and have a shorter warranty because the manufacturer knows this. so money will need to be spent on a cooling system. I'd rather have rock hard dense buds then airy buds anyday so I went for newer tech, both my cf grow cobs run cool and when I throw a single roleadro in my temps run high and I need to leave a door slightly ajar to keep it cool roleadro still uses epiled. new tech costs more but getting bigger yields will pay off costs in electricity alone.
or just get some lower wattage QB kits like other suggested. they sell kits that run at 65 watts that will be better than what you currently run.
I'd also like to add that light you have isn't even 300watts its probably more like 100-125 depends if it has active cooling which it prob does. They advertise at 300W because they use 5W epileds and there are 60 of them total even though they wont actually pull that they compare to 300W incadescent.. You're also getting probably .5-1gram per watt used if you are lucky, now that sounds good but when you realize they advertise max outtage not what it actually runs at.. you could increase that to 1-2 gram per watt with newer tech.
maybe another user can give some feedback for you, as I have no particular experience with this exact roleadro. Others I have had in the past have done the job.
CMH lights yield better than HPS but they make a lot more heat compared to LEDs. If getting rid of heat isn't an issue with your setup (it might not be where your setup is) then you're good. If you have heat concerns, it would be worth spending a smidge more on a pair of THESE. These are NOT 400 watt lights, they are 200 watt lights, and a pair of these should produce more usable light than the 315w CMH, although they'll use a smidge more electricity as well.
You may be better off with some Roleadro 400W Cob fixtures, 200 actual watt a piece, could get 2 of them, or start with one.
Once it breaks, easy to replace the cob with a nice citizen or cree aswell.
There's no good LED light for $60, you want at least something like this. 12/12 from seed isn't really a viable way to produce a worthwhile amount unless you have lots of plants, but you can keep a plant small and low via LST. I would recommend starting with a basic soil setup and a bottle nutrient line.
A lot of those LEDs are underpowered and they lie about the wattage. Like a 400w really pulling 150w.
For $200 you could rock two of these:
It would be enough for 4 plants.
IF you have the cash I would recommend the timber grow lights instead, but the Roleadro will work as well.
You mean like these? Roleadro 400W COB Full Spectrum LED Grow Light with Innovated Chips, 2nd Generation
That looks like only two leds. Those are effective?
Would you recommend getting 2? I found a discount online to get that light for $40, I could get 2 or 3 if you think that's what I would need. And I would really like to stay away from HPS due to increased electricity costs
Edit: Would I be better off getting two of the blurple panels or one of these 400w Roleandro COB lights?
Yeah - I have seen the pre built panels that feature COB (chip on board) LED's such as this one but I really do think if you are going to shell out money for a COB LED when you already have (2) Mars panels you spent money on then you might as well do it right and put your own together. As far as the actual COB's go, there are many to choose from. I would try watching some growmau5 videos on youtube if you want to learn more about COB's - he helps a lot.
The Cree CXB3590's are considered some of the best COB's out right now, they are pricey! Citizen's are popular, and Vero's too, but I went with Luminus CXM22's. If you go the route I did, make sure you get Gen 3 version, they compare in specs very well to any other COB's out there and they are affordable at 19$ per.
Per u/mj1176 suggestion, I am now looking at the prebuilt light he linked. Per u/StatutoryOmelette instead of a single 800w, maybe thinking 3 of the 400w. What do you guys/gals think?
Lol I'm like halfway through my first grow, got a 2x4x5 tent. I have one 300w roleadro led already, and the only issue I have with it is it can't cover my whole tent.
So I want to get another LED, and I was thinking since cobs are so much better i would try to find one for a good price. Like <$150 all said and done, and I don't have many tools...
I'm thinking the 400w roleadro cob will suit my needs perfectly.
It's <$150 (only $100), easy which is just a plus, and I already have a normal 300w roleadro led which I like.
Think I could build something better than the roleadro 400w cob for <$150 including everything I need, even tools?
Think I could build something better than this 400w roleadro cob that costs $100 And has free prime shipping for ~$150?
That $150 should include any necessary tools, I'll look the other way on shipping prices unless they are ridiculous, ideally that would be included in the ~$150 limit but that would be a crazy thing to ask someone to figure out haha
my experience with them is they help me grow fire :) for another $30 you can get this roleadro 400w which will outperform the 300w youre looking at. also just fyi not to burst your bubble but if your area got too hot with CFLs then your ventilation system isnt good enough, the "unknown" in your unknown CFM fan is undoubtedly too low.
Fucking Canada Amazon man. I'm in USA and it was $96 shipped no taxes on Amazon prime. So about $129 CAD. Roleadro 400W COB Full Spectrum LED Grow Light with Innovated Chips, 2nd Generation
You may even want to look at light time tunnel COB I believe they're from the same manufacturer, not 100% sure though.
I was interested in this guy as an addition to my 400w mh/hps.
Thanks for the insightful replies everyone! I've been looking at some of those COB lights also on amazon (one in particular - )
It seems the little boost of extra wattage from this Roleadro would make it better than the mars 300w to ensure adequate coverage for just 1 auto at any given time I hope?
Thanks again for the replies everyone!
Sorry $50 is only the chip you need a driver, holder, and lens. Take a look at this. It's lower end but way better than cfls.
The 400w (200 w actual) Roleandro COBs are down to $85 at Amazon
Thanks, I've watched a few of Growmou5's video's and it looks like that's the way to go. I just can't afford it right now. I'm wondering if I should just buy a $100 LED or try out a $100 COB (which I could upgrade in the future). I have a $100 Amazon gift card and really have no idea what to get. I have a $50 chinese "300w" led pulling about 120w and CFL's all around the area. So another "300w" would fit the best. But something pulling over 200w would be better but each light would probably not be level, the "600w" probably would be higher and the smaller one might block out some of the light....idk I can't have much heat though and COB's seem to give off more.
Others in the price range I'm looking at is:
Someone said Chinese COB lights can overheat though.
I'm using three of these '400W' Roleadro COBs.
While they have been working great so far and are far better than many similar-priced lights on Amazon, I don't expect them to last more than a year or two before I have to replace the drivers and COBs. I was in a rush at the time and needed lights immediately.
At some point in the future I plane to build my own fixtures and use an off the shelf board such at the Photon Fantom FusionBoard or SunBoard. Lights that make use of these Samsung LM561C diodes are some of the most efficient on the market.
I have this ripple jade that I am working on developing into a bonsai and some of the new growth is very pale but the plant seems otherwise healthy. It seemed like maybe some of the previous leaf pairs might have been a bit more pale and have since greened up some but I’m not really sure, I should have been paying more attention. What could it be? My guesses are nutrient deficiency, etiolation, root rot, or natural variegation but none of those really make a lot of sense to me.
Sorry for the long post, wanted to include as much info as possible! Thanks in advance!
Okay sick!!
Thoughts on this particular one?? This is what you're talking about right??
Info: Samsquanch auto from Mephesto 5 gal smart pot with ocean forest. Popped on New Year’s Day. Last two watering have been ph’d water at 6.8 exactly. Previous watering before that included less than a quarter strength of fox farms big bloom and a 1/4tsp of calmag that is 2-0-0 all ph’d at 6.8 with ph down.
For water I’ve been using both purchased gallons of spring water or tap water which is fairly alkaline at 8.0ph. Usually takes over 15 drops of ph down in a gallon of water to adjust. Does that sound about right? Worried the ph down is affecting the plant.
The top of the plant is showing a different deficiency, which from what I can tell is possibly manganese (the random brown splotches on newer leaves). The lower leaves were browning from the edges, but that has since stopped.
Edit: this is my cob led from amazon. light Says 800 Watts, but I don’t believe it’s even 300 true watts. There is also a 180 watt ufo led in there but not directly over the plant. UFO Light
How would that compare to this?
get a bigger tent I wouldn't mess with anything under 120cmx120cmx200cm for 4 plants but for 1 plant 60x60 should work fine. You'd be surprised how big they will grow given enough space even under a shitty light like the one you're planning to use. When you switch to flower they will almost double in height, keep that in mind. I would however suggest a better light that one, it is not pulling 450 watts from the wall probably more like 100 using old epiled tech. expect 10-30 grams with ideal growing conditions/technique & genetics. It might do okay for veg for several small plant for the first few weeks when establishing root system but vegetation and flower is another monster altogether and unless you really don't smoke much it won't be worth the investment or time growing with such a small setup.
What are your goals for your grow? on my first grow running 200 true watts of cheap LED's later got a proper 65watt cree cob kit
off 2 small plants running in a 90cmx90cm during veg until they got too tall and switched to a 120cmx60cm closet after 92 days (42veg, 50flower) I got a total of 46gram once dry/cured. I also turned down a lot of leaf and small popcorn bud which I made into about 5-6 grams of 70micron grade hash. I might be bias but it was really good stuff grown with bagseed far better than the outdoor bud I got the seed from but I also did a lot of research for 6 months prior to attempting my first grow and spent 100$ on synthetic nutrients and found a good feed schedule employed Low stress and high stress training, supercropping lollypopping defolitation on week 4 of veg and week 3 of flower. If I could do it over I'd run 6 weeks veg and let flower go a little longer to fully ripen and also have a proper tent with a scrog instead of growing in closets.
I've prob spent close to $1000 on my garden now but I will have a perpetual grow and multiple units I can move between separate areas as I see fit. My goal for growing is to get to the point where with 4 plants I don't need to measure grams and just know I got enough to last me until next harvest. I will probably end up running plants a month apart and/or moving them into flower room when they get big enough. I also wouldn't mind running a SOG to find some phenos for next year outdoor, which will be my first year outdoor and ill prob experiment with organics then for now its coco coire and synthetic nutes.
Well, others apparently disagree with me. I've had amazing results with them, I have 2 in 8sqft.
EDIT: this is the one
It'll be enough to get max yield for one plant?
I got one of these and I'm happy with it so far
one or two would be good for your tent
I'm looking for them, but they are a lot less common than 2x2 and 4x4 for the low price. I potentially have space for a 4x4x5, but it isnt in as good of a spot. Quantum boards are in my price range, but I'm a little confused. This says it can go up to 150w, Isn't the more wattage the better? How does that compare to a 400w COB? I appreciate the help!
as an owner of 2 galaxyhydro 2nd gen 300w leds, expect only a few oz from one light. theyre not nearly as efficient as COBs. i would suggest getting the
Hmmmm these roleadro COB LEDs are decent.
It's a Roleadro 400W COB Full Spectrum LED Grow Light with Innovated Chips, 2nd Generation.
So then, two of these should be a worthy upgrade...