I use this brand: https://smile.amazon.com/Hydrodynamics-International-Root-Riot-Bag/dp/B00CJIYPI4/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=root+riot&qid=1613585812&sr=8-3
They work wonderfully and fit perfectly in an aerogarden. I also put them in 3" basket surrounded by clay pebbles for my kratky jars.
Okay, propagating 101. It is a woody plant for one. You get some rooting cubes and gel rooting hormone. You cut 6" stems just below a leaf or two. You rip off the leaves and dip in gel and put in cubes that are damp. Put in indirect light then cut each leaf in half lengthwise. Cover with transparent plastic. Ensure the cubes stay DAMP, not mud. WAIT! WAIT! and WAIT! Do a bunch for better results. Suggestions: