unfortunately I can't tell. Amazon doesn't list them as "A5, A6 etc...". I think it's the A5, anyway it's here. I still don't quite get the difference between A5 and A6, it's a big price difference
Thank you for the giveaway.
Going forward, I’d say go with smaller prizes. My reasoning is that the larger the prize the more us non-americans get screwed by shipping/taxes. We’re at a point where I’d almost feel bad about winning this light because it’d be robbing someone in the US a chance to get a zebralight. Feels fairer when it’s everyone going for a budget light.
Edit: or if you decrease frequency, decrease it so much that the prices can go up by a bit :) Around $60 is the most painful range to be in, with half the prize still being eaten by costs.
Ask and you shall receive. This is my favorite flashlight out of all of the flashlights I own. Such a great flashlight!
RovyVon Aurora Luminous Body, 550... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GQRJLDP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Fits in the bit holder for leather man pouch supper bright also has UV have two models metal and clear plastic had mine for months works great
Thanks for the giveaway!
Check out the RavyVon its a fun little light.
RovyVon Aurora A5 (UV/luminous)
Thanks!! I would love a Rovyvon A5
Still trying for the RovyVon Aurora A5, but might switch up to the TUP after we hit 60k+ subscribers. Thanks Para!
RovyVon Aurora, feels like the last giveaway was just last week. thanks for doing this.
Congrats and thanks! RovyVon Aurora A5 Luminous Body UV
I too am interested in the RovyVon A5 with luminous body
Thanks so much for doing this.
RovyVon Aurora Luminous Body, 550 Lumens Outdoor Mini EDC with UV looks neat! Thanks to the other poster who found it first. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GQRJLDP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_eq58BbH8G2A8M
ITT: RovyVon Aurora A5, and I'm also about that! Thanks Para and anonymous benefactor!
This would be awesome: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GQRJLDP/ref=twister_B07GQKMZYV?_encoding=UTF8&th=1
The UV one!
Thanks Parametrek!
I'm also excited by the RovyVon UV.
Kudos to you doing all this!
I'm in for an Aurora UV
Thanks, Parametrek! I'll jump on the RovyVon train.
thanks as always!