I feel like a lot of us would be liberal/progressive republicans if this was the 60's or 70's. These guys were the liberal internationalist moderates who were favored of free markets, but not opposed to government solutions and strongly favored civil rights from my new favorite book Rule and Ruin:
Unfortunately for the moderates, the movement they sought to lead was inescapably an elite movement. The moderate political class whose dimensions Auspitz described was the product of a meritocratic social order. Its development had been shaped by a progressively minded establishment as well as the liberationist movements of the 1960s. Most of the young men and women who participated in the moderate Republican movement had been educated at selective universities and worked in big business, academia and the professions. They lived in the cities and affluent suburbs. Their political efforts were funded by East Coast multimillionaires like John Whitney and David Rockerfeller and publicized by the *New York Times and Washington Post. They participated in and sympathized with the civil rights movement, the student and antiwar movements, and the nascent feminist movement. They campaigned for thoughtful, independent-minde candidates and aimed their appeals and proposals at intellectuals an "informed opinion"
Sounds like us to a T
I get what you're saying but I do think this book is very well sourced and informative. I'm mostly listening out of an interest in political history and rarely do political history books not have some sort of bias but I think this one does a good job looking at everything
Holy shit, I'm reading this book Rule and Ruin about the downful of moderates and rise in the far right in the Republican party. Interesting fact of not this conspiratorial lady Phyllis Schlafly was Qanon before Qanon. She wrote a conspiritorial book called A choice is not an echo, that pretty much said both parties were the same and controlled by a shadowy group of internationalist New York Bankers, who were "kingmakers". They dominated the media and other elite and at the time included Nelson Rockerfeller, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Robert McNarmia. They manipulated conventions to encourage moderates even if they would lose elections and had drawn the USA into WWII to protect the kingmakers investments in Europe and supported Communist regimes to enrich themselves off of Foreign aid. They profit from deficit financing, Moderate republicans were dupes of bankers which is why people should vote for Barry Goldwater who would stand up for them.
"the Establishment that has been running the Roosevelt-Truman-Eisenhower-Kennedy Administration...those tremendous forces which, throughout all of this one continuous administration under different names and fronts, have been striving 'so to change the economic and political structure of the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with Soviet Russia in a one-world socialist government'".
Like HOLY SHIT. The far right just rehashes the same conspiracy theory bullshit every 50 years under a new name/brand. The John Birchers of yesteryear are the 4chan and Trumpers of today. Except they're actually influential and mainstream.
Honestly Geoff Kabaservice’s book Rule and Ruin is the best history of this period. It’s an amazing read
Fantastic book on the subject
Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party
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If you are interested in modern US history at all, this should be right up your alley!