I just use this curry roux and it's freakin delicious. There are other brands too. And if you're gonna make it from scratch, S&B curry powder is what you want for Japanese curry.
My favorite (Golden Curry, amazon link). That cooked with some meat and/or veggies goes great over fresh rice, and lasts in the fridge for days and only seems to get better as the spices soak into the other ingredients. One box lasts me for at least 4 large meals and takes about 20 minutes to cook.
It usually comes in a box like this and is probably labeled "sauce mix". I really like Vermont Curry but Golden Curry is usually more common in US grocery stores and it's good too.
The back of the box walks you through the steps and suggests ingredients, but specifically what I did here:
2 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 head of cauliflower, 'bout a cup of carrots and a cup green bean, and half the curry mix.
If you're already trying to stay on a budget and not wanting to buy a bunch of ingredients you're not sure if you'll like, start subbing out things you like for alternative versions. For example instead of buying Nissan or Top Ramen noodles get some soba or udon noodles - slightly different but open to lots of possibilities! Then you can use it in familiar ways or try something new.
A lot of what is good about international markets is the seasoning! Having some rice vinegar, mirin, soy sauce, and sesame oil on hand lets you make tons of delicious dishes! Lots of things can be flavored or marinated with miso paste. Sriracha, garlic chili paste, and gochujang are really popular for adding spice. If you have a few key seasonings from different cuisines that can be a great way to make cooking more fun and interesting. Or try pre-made pastes and mixes. We used this curry mix the other day and liked it. Now we know to buy more or branch out and learn to make a cheaper/healthier version!
hey u/rainyredditafternoon - ikr, enjoy any type of curry to be saucy! it was extremely easy to make. prep the veggies, cook your choice of protein, and highly recommend using a curry sauce mix! lmk it how it goes.
You could cheat.
Look for boxes of Japanese curry mix. They contain a pre-made roux of flour and spices in a hard fat. Simmer your meat and vegetables in just enough water to cover until they're tender, then start adding chunks of curry mix, stirring until each dissolves. The mix will get seasoned by the spices as the water thickens into a gravy. Very easy, very tasty.
There are several brands. My favorite is Golden Curry.
My go-to dinner:
Japanese curry (the kind that comes in bricks) is infinitely flexible — add whatever protein and vegetables you want (as long as some potatoes are included to thicken it.) It can be served with rice or noodles, and if you make a large pot of it, it can easily be reheated. (I like to make several little bowls of rice and curry and keep them in the fridge.) A fibrous vegetable such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts makes a good side dish for rice and curry.
I'm surprised on the lack of comments on this post. Your meal prep is pretty unique and is something I wish I was brave enough to attempt. I always use the same golden curry brand, I cook extra extra servings and eat it for the entire week. But to see you're brave enough to package the wet and dry ingredients in the same container, something I've been afraid to do, makes me believe the feat is actually possible. Did you have any obstacles or struggles during the meal prep process? Thanks OP.
It's like a bullion cube but for curry, http://www.amazon.com/Golden-Curry-Sauce-Medium-8-4-Ounce/dp/B0011ULFVG/ref=pd_bxgy_325_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0QRJ5RP8K9D6XE2MPSE9 item for reference. Its not dry though, its kind of....waxy? its like super condensed and packed. And yeah i usually add one whole cube.
S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix, Medium Hot, 8.4-Ounce https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0011ULFVG/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_IRUhxbVJGPJ9Q
Amazon has almost everything you need
This type of thing
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "S&B"
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Without going too into it, make sure you try both Indian curry and Thai curry. They are very different. You can make either one pretty easily and don't be afraid to buy some prepackaged bases to at least get an idea of what you like.
I'd say S&B is cheap and easy to make for Indian/British/Japanese curry and Maesri for Thai.
I'm sure people might add some better suggestions.
Buy a block of instant japanese curry. You've got all the rest of the ingredients.
this stuff is amazing. It’s really easy to make too. I found it at an Asian supermarket.. try it!!
Lol it’s this I can find them in the supermarket and the Asian and Japanese stores too. Good luck finding them coz they’re really yummy and easy to make !
It’s super easy if you have access to golden curry and then you add in veggies and that’s about it haha
The sauce is online! I don't see why they wouldn't sell it in the UK either :)
You can make it at home with these curry roux blocks.
Directions are on the box. Easy peasy.