Any clay will do. Just make sure you have a good lubricant. You can pick up a thing of onr (optimum no rinse) it dilutes 1:64 so you’ll literally have it forever. I like this wax: S100 13700W Carnauba Paste Wax - 6.2 oz. It is a rebranded version of a much more expensive wax by a brand called p21s but I believe they are the exact same thing. It doesn’t last terribly long but it is super slick and shiny. You could pick up some p&s bead maker to top the wax too.
Clean with Novus, wax with your favorite wax.
I used Mill Wax for ages, then switched to this stuff-- it's incredibly easy to work with, leaves a glossy finish, and is easy to clean up.
Opinion: I think this at 1/4 of the price will do almost an identical job to the ammo
These carnauba waxes will not last long... especially in heat.
Instead of the gold, go with the ultimate like the other dude said, AMAZING wax for the price:
This stuff will last a long time. great beading.