Firearm prices are all sorts of fucked up right now with how 2020 is going.
You can get a Taurus G2C 9mm pistol for under $300 shipped from Buds gunshop, and then there's the transfer and background check at the FFL.
You can always go for a big bottle of pepper spray / gel for the house. Saber Red is a well known brand and a 13 oz bottle will run around $45, including a wall mount so you're not running around looking for the canister when you need it.
If you're more likely to use the spray inside, go with Foam or Gel. Aerosol will make your life suck for a while if it goes off in your house. Speaking from experience.
a little blast of pepper spray goes a long way. Non-lethal, but incapacitated for at least 30 minutes. Sorry that happened to you! [Invest in one of these babies!](\_1\_5?keywords=large+pepper+spray&qid=1656678359&s=sporting-goods&sprefix=large+pepper%2Csporting%2C73&sr=1-5)
I have no idea, but, FWIW, there are roughly 1 lb units of pepper spray marked to law enforcement for riots/crowds and to other other folks as home defense, that would/should work exactly like in the video.
This one is a gel vs the spray that seems to be up there, you an idea
Johnny Knoxville said in his AMA that being sprayed by Sabre red pepper spray is the most painful thing he’s ever experienced in his life, get a bat or something as a lethal back up, but that spray will take the fight out of someone very quickly
How about a really big pepper gel? Should have less risk of affecting you by accident than a normal pepper spray.
I think what you really need is a firearm and some training that will give you the confidence to be able to use it. Pepper spray or gel may not stop a determined attacker. It's certainly not going to intimidate anyone especially if they are armed with a firearm.
If you're insistent on using pepper spray, use pepper gel instead. Pepper spray indoors is likely to incapacitate you as well.
Look into this product
>As a society we have been moving away from personal responsibility ... We think that advocating for personal responsibility is selfish or non-empathetic.
I disagree. As a society we've been sold on this "rugged individualism" bullshit because the powers that be know that when people band together, they make change happen.
The people currently in power don't want that. They saw how the gilded age fell, when workers came together and demanded things like overtime, weekends, and the 40 hour work week. They want to go back to those days where they can get American labor just as cheaply in America as they can a third-world sweatshop. But that's a whole other fucking rant for a different topic entirely.
>I know that other western countries haven't descended into "crime-ridden shitholes". But they haven't eliminated violence, or violent crime. They still have shootings. They still have terrorist attacks
> All I'm saying is I'd rather have the most slim chance to defend myself than abandon civil liberties for a half measure of false safety.
Pepper spray is legal.
I keep one of those in the car, along with my pocket knife. If you're being assaulted, there's nothing wrong with opening up with that canister of pepper spray. Just be aware that some folks after being sprayed multiple times, will no longer react to the spray. Same goes for folks on Meth/PCP.
As someone who has multiple paintball guns and has entertained this idea, do not do this.
>Don't have or want a license for arms
Generally (in the US) you don't need license for rifles and shotguns.
>have to lock it away from my family
Yes, if you have kids (and this is probably an unpopular opinion) the odds are the having a gun in the house will make them less safe, not more.
>Plus the cops can ID them with paint?
Paintball paint is easy to wash off. It's not like a dye pack for bank robbers.
The bigger concern that others have flagged are that this is bringing a toy to a gun fight. Yes, you might be able to deter an unarmed intruder but an armed intruder will be MORE likely to shoot you if you are "shooting" at them with paint (or pepper balls).
This is what we did instead:
Plenty of flashlights, and maybe a few strategically placed pepper spray cannons
That is a lot easier said than done, especially in Boston. Getting a big-ass can of pepper spray is probably more practical. Something like this.
> I think it's basically just, in my opinion, something you use and don't threaten people with. If you truly feel you need to defend yourself, just have it out, and use it. Although I guess if you're using it to get someone to back off, that's your personal choice.
Yeah, that's true - but I did successfully intimidate a guy with it just 8 days ago - the tweaker legitimately tried to start a street fight with me, chest puffed out "I'll fuck you up!" sort of deal. And yet pointing a 16oz can of pepper gel at him, just pointing from 8 feet away, got him to cower up, shield has face, and meekly walk away.
I don't recommend spraying tweakers with pepper spray unless it's a total last resort, it's too debilitating and now you got a screaming, crying, tweaker to deal with who won't go anywhere. Meanwhile, a couple hits with a whip and a tweaker can still walk away.
> Just like a gun, if you pull it out and have it brandished, there's a certain (good?) percentage of unstable people who are going to go straight to 'SHOOT ME' while they're rushing you, when they weren't there when they didn't know you had a gun two seconds earlier.
This exact situation has happened to me. "Don't move closer or I'll shoot you" "I don't care, I've been shot twice mother fucker."
You don't want to pull a gun until you're ready and justified in using lethal force.
I'm very pro-2A, but I recommend very strongly against the use of guns for self-defense in the context of a mobile lifestyle, for three main reasons. First, the law:
Concealed carry statues can vary considerably from state to state in their wording, and from city to city or county to county in their enforcement. The only way to keep a gun and ammo in a vehicle that is totally legal in all US jurisdictions is to keep them in separate, locked containers, ideally in separate compartments of the vehicle. And of course, when you need it, the most useless thing in the world is an unloaded gun.
There are a lot of jurisdictions that are incredibly harsh about defense of property with violence. There are sane and reasonable arguments on both sides of this issue, but to make a very long story story short, there are plenty of places where stopping someone from stealing your stuff (in the absence of a threat to yourself) by injuring or killing them, particularly with a gun, will get you in very, very hot water.
Second, most of the people doing this stuff are basically harmless to you, safety-wise. You can think of them as black bears. They just want something specific of yours, they'll break your shit to get it, but if you confront them, they usually just leave, and are only dangerous if you corner them.
Finally, most people just aren't mentally prepared to use lethal force on another person. There's a reason military basic training includes a number of elements that are specifically designed to desensitize people to deploying violence against another human. Most people just don't want to do it; you can find videos of police officers pointing a gun at a subject and shouting "drop the knife!" even as they are stabbed to death by that same person. They just couldn't bring themselves to kill that subject, even though it meant their own death.
For all of these reasons, I highly recommend a high-strength pepper gel like this for self-defense on the road. It's still illegal in a number of jurisdictions, but 1) it's a hell of a lot easier to explain away than a gun, and 2) you aren't going to kill or permanently injure anyone with it, so you can immediately go full send with it when you encounter someone fucking with your shit, and know that they'll ultimately be okay.
By the way, aim for the eyebrows.
SABRE Red Home Defense Pepper Gel With Wall Mount, 32 Bursts, 25 Foot (8 Meter) Range, UV Marking Dye Helps Identify Suspects, Full Hand Grip, Pin Safety, Gel Is Safer
Byrna SD [Self Defense] Pepper Ultimate Bundle - Pepper Spray, Non Lethal, Less Lethal Pepper Launcher, Home Defense, Personal Defense (Black) | Proudly Assembled in The USA
I worked in a prison for a few years, this is what we used;
Fox was quite effective on even the most irate and "toughest" inmate.
Think about a gel pepper spray. It will be far less likely to blow into your face and render you incapacitated. Something like this:
The right pepper spray would have worked too, less training and way less aim needed for them, plus they'll knock out everyone in a radius in the process.
Honestly if this is so bad that you're convinced there's a 1-in-4 chance you're going to need to take a life to save your own in the next month even with a fortified home, you should probably move, or at least temporarily relocated. No matter how this does or doesn't play out (living in a state of paranoia, going to jail, having to critically injure someone, etc) it's a bad scenario... I'd be inclined to get the fuck outa there if it were me.
Getting some stadium-light bring flashlights and big cans of pepper spray probably wouldn't hurt.
Bear spray is...iffy. Go for what the police use to stop riots:
Gel stream, shoots like a super soaker, drips into eyes and mouth, 25' range, also has UV staining dye. Less wind blowback like bear spray.
it's not a club cause it's got a flag pole on it durrrr
on a maybe related note, i wonder how good this stuff is
I totally feel ya bro. I had a similar situation a number of years ago, though the ex bf wasn't a muslim, he was still a crazy. Buy a large Sabre pepper spray:
and keep a firearm nearby. Buy some rubber bullets and keep the first 2 rounds loaded as less-lethal and the rest HP or self-defense oriented, it will help in a trial determination.
Also, regardless of this situation, but especially important in lieu of; buy a door reinforcement kit. Something that wraps around the door frame at the lock/jamb interface, such as:
and install 3in screws at the latch, as well as at the hinges.
Your a good man for helping a woman in distress, but considering the risk you are taking, and in-order to protect her effectively you need to be 100% in charge of things. It's your way, or the high-way. She needs to comply with whatever provisions you deem necessary.
Best of luck
It appears that the 35 gram limit is for carrying with you. I would feel confident in bringing home or ordering a large canister for home use only. REI sells 230 gram bear spray. I like the look of this one;
EDIT: Home Security System
Given that guns are not a choice for you, there are still plenty of options. Professional security focuses on Layers. You should too: -Driveway sensor or doorbell with video capabilities -Door alarm and interior/exterior cameras -Reinforced bedroom door
None of these options are permanent and all could be taken with you when you move.
Next, weapons- If you choose not to train with a specific weapon you should focus on something that can't be taken away and used against you. Pepper spray can have an effective spray pattern of up to 30 feet (
A taser gun ( can also be a good choice especially when combined with pepper spray.
-Next, an escape plan. Can you get out of the house from your bedroom (access to the roof, rope ladder, etc.). Do you have quick and easy access to your cell phone? Can you call a neighbor or someone who may be closer than the police?
-Practice! Practice answering the door under a threatening situation. Practice deploying your pepper spray. Know when you'd resort to your next tools. Practice locking and securing your safe room door (One of those wooden triangle used to keep doors open will also keep them closed!).
-Finally, commit to your plan. If your plan is to fight, then practice that. If your plan is to escape, resist, or give in, know in advance what you want to do.
Security doesn't have to be expensive and a gun is only a good tool for those who educate themselves and train regularly. Being prepared and making yourself look like less of a victim is much more important.
You'll find renewed confidence in doing all of this. Best of luck!
You don't have to be lethal to fight back.
Now the Riot Balls wont kill someone, but they may wish they were dead after taking a few of them to the giblets.
>my interest in guns has rapidly diminished since this happened
This is interesting because you used the gun in the way it was intended. I wonder if you wish now that you'd just had a big ass can of pepper spray. Having been through this ordeal, is this an alternative you would advocate?
I highly suggest you buy a gun. Preferably a hand gun or shotgun. Next time this guy does this, go outside with the gun and tell him to leave. I'd even take a few bullets or shotguns shells in your hand and throw them at the bum. Put on some boots too and give him a good kick too to get him moving. You can't let these dregs of society walk all over you. You have to be firm with them or they'll take everything. Even without having to deal with the bum. I suggest you buy a gun before governor moonbeam and the communist state legislature bans them.
If he attacks you, regardless of the law you have every right to defend yourself. Even with lethal force. That's God's law.
I've had to deal with plenty of bums and hippies squatting around my property and the property of friends/relatives. A good quality mace (not that $6 pepper spray crap) can also be helpful. Especially when used like in that video. Mace likely will only agitate the bum instead of stopping them. So be prepared to have a baton, bat, ax handle, etc ready to smack once they start shuffling over towards you. It's annoying, it's tedious. But if you live in certain parts of the Bay Area you get used to removing degenerates from property.
I rather have this SABRE Red Pepper Gel - Police Strength - Family, Home & Property Defense Gel with Wall Mount Bracket
If I were you, I'd buy her a weapon to protect herself.
Specifically, this pepper spray gun: