I agree, my pizza is so much better than most (and I live in Chicago)
I just buy an lb. of Saf-Instant Yeast on Amazon
I have some of those old Fleischman 4 oz. jars that I saved and I divide it up and store in the fridge.
I got a pound of SAF on amazon for $10. Ordered on Friday. Arrived 2 days ago. Packaged 4/20, expires 4/22. Started a no-knead dough last night and it rose like a champ.
If you google it there are some ways you can make yeast from dried fruits. If you live in the US, go to the store early AM and you can ind some or amazon has this: https://www.amazon.com/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=yeast&qid=1595799910&sr=8-2
SAF Instant Yeast. I got it off amazon. Now that I’m using it I’m never going back to other yeast.
Here’s a link
Dai Due has some, I'm sure other restaurants do too - or you can order a pound off Amazon and share with friends (that's what i did) - it's $15, but a pound of yeast is equivalent to 64 packets
I just commented this above, but maybe you and /u/BassWingerC-137 will find it useful. I don't know where you're both located, but I just bought this off Amazon last week, and it arrived yesterday. Hope that helps!
Their yeast isn’t special. You can just get yeast from amazon. Right now KA is taking forever and out of most things other than basic bread flour and AP. You will have better luck checking supermarkets.
If you can’t find any in your stores, amazon still has 16 ounce packs in stock for $12. though I can’t speak to the quality. - that’s about enough for 21 loads of bread using my recipe, which should be more than enough to last you until your stores restock.
Same place that I get most things...Amazon!
This is really great yeast that I store in the freezer: Saf Instant Yeast, 1 Pound Pouch
The fridge temperature is below 40, about 37 on the shelf where I keep the dough.
I double the recipe to make 3 balls, but for the yeast I'm actually using less than the recipe says. So instead of 2*0,91tsp I use just 1 tsp. I can try putting even less yeast? This is the yeast I'm using Saf Instant Yeast, 1 Pound Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001CXUHW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
you might try a local bakery if you're looking for fresh yeast; I and many others use instant yeast, which lasts a very long time in the ~~fridge~~ freezer and works great; a pound (which is a lot) can be had on Amazon for about $8 (https://smile.amazon.com/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW?sa-no-redirect=1)
Water temperature was ~93 The final dough temperature was ~81 The room temperature is ~75 Yeast: SAF Instant (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001CXUHW/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&th=1)
I'm trying a the first recipe in the book, same day white bread, 1000g of flour, 720g of water. Doing a 30 min autolyse and going to maybe cut the proofing time?
Could be the hydration level for sure, I just didn't understand how I was supposed to work with it if it's just goopy and runs everywhere. No way to get it into a ball. Do I just keep adding flour?
The other thing I was thinking was maybe my folds weren't done properly and the gluten did not develop? I have never folded before - only hand kneading for 20 min....is there really no kneading here, only folding?
Get this stuff. It is dirt cheap and will last you forever. And it is quality
Also you can make a culture any time its super simple. I have done it before. I am actually starting one up right now. I go through sourdough phases so I don't feel the need to keep it always.
Good idea. I'll look for a larger container! :) Maybe something like this would work: http://www.amazon.ca/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446620480&sr=8-1&keywords=bread+yeast (that's like 1/25 the price of buying it in packets.
I highly recommend using instant yeast. You don't have to proof it first; just add it in with the dry ingredients. It will keep forever in the freezer; store it in a jar, and just scoop it straight from there.
No, I used some instant yeast that I picked up at the beginning of the pandemic. I've been really happy with it.
Ken Forkish suggests Saf Instant Yeast, this is the one I ordered from Amazon.
Saf Instant Yeast, 1 Pound Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_3wkMFb7GA4PXP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 Let this guide your adventures (stays fresh for a year or two in the freezer opened in a ziplock bag)
Finally found some on Amazon. Took about a week. Saf Instant Yeast, 1 Pound Pouch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_eTrQEb0DQB8NZ
I just ordered from Amazon, they have a pound for about $19.
I went through the same problems years ago but moving to "instant" yeast was a game changer and I've never had problems since. You use a little less (1.25 tsp instead of 2 tsp) and you don't bloom it in warm water. Just mix it in with the dry ingredients and proceed. The small yeast granules are coated with ascorbic acid to keep it viable and also protects it from salt in the recipe so no need to keep them separated during adds. I get it in 1lb vacuum bags, and the cost is equivalent to 4 small packets of yeast. I just secure the contents in a mason jar and keep that in the fridge. It lasts me about a year before I see a small drop in rises then I buy a new bag. Believe me, you will never trust another yeast again!
> have 0 experience but love eating bread
I avoided baking bread growing because I thought it was really hard to do & required a lot of work & skill. As it turns out, bread is SUPER easy & even fun to make! You have a few options to get started:
You'll also need a way to let the dough rise. There are two basic options:
Note that sourdough isn't actually sour, it's a misnomer - sour just meant "leftover" back in the day, so it was a way to use leftover dough at the end of the day at bakeries. You CAN make sourdough more sour using a variety of techniques, however, so if you want extra-tangy bread, you can do that too!
So that's pretty much it! Pick a technique & pick a rising agent! The most basic recipe for bread only requires 4 ingredients:
You can get flour from the grocery store, or if you have a big-box store, my local Costco sells a 20-pound sack of King Arthur flour for $12, so it's a pretty inexpensive hobby to get into! The way that I tell people to look at baking bread is to look at it as a long-term relationship, where you slowly get comfortable with each other & then start going on adventures together!
Think of it like an infinite sandbox: you will never be bored with this hobby! I try to bake every single day: it's cheap, it's easy, and many recipes only take a few minutes a day! And it's AMAZING what the ability to bake bread unlocks! You can make loaves of bread, mini loaves, bread bowls, cinnamon rolls, pizza, all kinds of stuff, both savory & sweet!
Time is a factor for bread. The no-knead method typically rises either overnight or during the day. The turbo no-knead version can be done in a few hours. The easiest bread project to start out with is a no-knead artisan loaf on a sheet pan:
The basic idea is:
That's the core process! Four ingredients, mix time, rise time, bake time! You get to choose your method (no-knead, hand-knead, bread machine, stand machine) & from there, you can make anything you want! Do you have anything in mind that you'd really like to make first?
Seconding this. King Arthur Flour is a good site for beginning bakers. As long as you follow the rules of "fluffing" your flour, their recipes are generally really consistent. They also have a hotline you can call if you have trouble. Plus, a lot of questions get answered in the reviews/comments.
I also like their deep dish pizza and, when I'm in a hurry and don't want to wait for it to rise, the thin crust St. Louis style pizza. (I don't usually follow the toppings, but the dough is the hard part.)
If you think you'll work with dough or bake with any regularity, I highly recommend getting a stand mixer. You don't have to get a $400 Kitchen Aid. (Don't even attempt thicker doughs like brioche without a mixer.)
Look for a basic pizza sauce and you can tweak it from there. Most tomato sauces benefit from just a pinch of sugar. Here's a simple beginner's recipe:
I also recommend instant yeast so you don't have waste time proofing. I love this brand, but stick with the red. The gold is more for sweeter dough.
i used red saf. mind you, i am very new to this too. 😉. others with more experience may have different experiences. i also used 00 flour.
$8 for a pound. That's a lot of yeast.
Get a pound and throw it in a jar. Usually lasts me like a year or two. Only need ~1-2TBS for a batch of dough (no matter how much you make).
For people who are having trouble finding yeast, amazon has 1 pound packages of Saf-Instant Red yeast for around $10-$11. Yeah, that's like twice the old price, but it's still cheaper than the above (~$0.70/oz vs the above $1.15-$1.16/oz). Put the excess in the freezer, and it should keep for well over a year.
You want Saf-Instant Red yeast, not Gold. The Gold is for high-sugar breads like Hawaiian Sweet Bread. See here for more info.
Take a note of the expiration date on the package when you receive it. Some people have reported receiving expired product.
that was the Carlsbad Costco. They had these
I normally get these at Amazon for $4-8
It’s overpriced, but they have some on amazon
Bought some a full pound of instant dry on the Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=34LYN48CS3F2X&dchild=1&keywords=saf-instant+yeast&qid=1589552213&sprefix=saf-%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-1
Yeast available on Amazon!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gave up finding any locally and ordered from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001CXUHW/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apa_i_joCUEbBDRVVXX is for instant yeast
One of the most popular brands of Instant Yeast is in stock at Amazon (Instant starts in dry ingredients rather than having to bloom in water):
I ordered a pound from Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0001CXUHW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You might also be able to get some from local restaurants.
If nothing else send me a message and I'll share some of mine (have already done that a few times - I just leave it in my mailbox for no-contact pickup) -- a pound of yeast goes a long way
EDIT: Looks like Dai Due has it currently https://app.upserve.com/s/dai-due-butcher-shop-and-supper-club-austin
If you're willing to wait about a week, Amazon has some
If you're willing to wait about a week, Amazon has some :)
If you're willing to wait about a week, Amazon has some :)
If you're willing to wait about a week, Amazon has some :)
Are you looking at the BellaRise instant yeast? I don't know that brand, and there aren't many reviews. I would get SAF. It's a well-known and popular brand, and it's actually cheaper. There are thousands of reviews on Amazon, but you can also research it elsewhere online.
In stock soon on Amazon.
Amazon still delivers. a pound of yeast will fill a large Mason jar.
What's your macros? You'll feel better by eating against your macros rather than just calories. Macros are simply a math formula (protein + carbs + fats = calories). Most people under-eat for their protein requirements & over-eat per their carb requirements, which makes a weight-loss program difficult because you won't have as much energy or feel as full as you would if you were to eating according to your individual macro numbers instead.
Have you tried Soylent (it's a meal replacement, not just a protein shake) yet? The blend-it-yourself chocolate powder is $1.83 per serving (400 calories with 20 grams of protein).
Do you like to cook, or are you willing to meal-prep? Making your own pasta is pretty fun (and easy!). You can create a huge variety of noodles with that base recipe, including stuffed raviolis. Homemade bread is also awesome. I primarily do no-knead bread (loaves, rolls, etc.) & bread-machine bread. Costco sells 25-pound sacks of flour for like $13. Depending on supply costs in your area, a typical loaf runs maybe 50 cents or so. I buy my yeast in bulk (I keep it in the freezer, to extend the shelf-life) & also make sourdough starter.
u/ConeCandy modified bread recipe:
This brand of yeast stores for well over a year in the freezer. It;s available at most major grocery chains as well. https://www.amazon.com/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW
Amazon! I store it in the freezer/fridge and it stays good for a long while.
Do you use Saf Yeast or do you have your own culture?
Yep. I didn't have a starter to work with unfortunately. Used this stuff http://www.amazon.com/Saf-Instant-Yeast-Pound-Pouch/dp/B0001CXUHW
If you are going to start baking here is a site that will make you explode in breadgasm joy.
This recipe is my favorite, its simple, easy to make, and the bread is some of the best tasting myself or anyone has ever had.
Buy a quality yeast: SAF is the one all the pros use. That $10 package right there will last you a year. The stuff you see in your supermarket is garbage, harder to use, and wont work as well. Changing up to a quality yeast (that ends up being way cheaper that store stuff) made a huge difference in my breads.
For flour get King Arthur, its is the one all the bread nuts use.
Read the forums there, post your questions, try out what they have. It's amazing.
Don't know what the OP uses, but I firmly believe that saf-instant is the shit for baking.