OK, my two cents, using non-MN experience (i.e. not frigid):
1) For walking paths, I prefer a "pet safe" de-icer that is salt/choride free. It does less damage to pavement/concrete over the long term than salt. I'd recommend mixing it with sand to stretch it. Also, when it does re-freeze, it can be WORSE ("black ice"), so you'll need to re-coat if it melts.
2) You don't need cleats. It's TX, and it's temporary ice.
3) Blankets and warmer clothes. Layers. If the grid goes down again (it will b/c TX), you'll need it. Don't worry about window insulation if you lack wall insulation. Waste of $. Learned that the hard way one year. NO GENERATORS INDOORS.
4) Barring any pipe insulation you do (even a little helps, so get under the house if possible and wrap w/ pipe insulation), leave all the faucets dripping. Even one burst and you're hosed. Save the water and use if concerned.
LONG TERM, I'd recommend any Texan to look into insulating pipes and their homes. Not sure why it's not done to keep the house insulated against heat, but here in Minny, we're used to both extremes. *Insulation pays you back quickly year-round.* Get it done, and don't worry about the stares. You're Noah prepping the ark for the ice flood.
>!PS - the CHEAPEST answer is to vote for schmucks who'll nationalize your damn power grid.!<
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Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Safe Paw, Child Plant Dog Paw & Pet Safe Ice Melt… | - | - | 4.5/5.0 |
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I go through about one of these per winter: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WFKX6Y/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. What's also really helpful is having an easy way to spread it evenly, and I ended up loving using an old grass seed container: https://www.scotts.com/en-us/products/grass-seed/scotts-ez-seed-patch-repair-sun-and-shade. The only annoying part is getting the snowmelt from the bucket into the container, so then I'm using a mason jar as a scoop.