> I though that the power drawn by the screen was already counted into the total power use of the pi since it draws the power from the pi's PSU.
For displays that plug directly into the RasPi as a shield, that is true. I haven't seen any 5" LCD screens that were packaged as a shield. Screens that big usually are 800x480, and have a separate HDMI driver board that takes anywhere from 5V to 12V power.
[EDIT] I said that I didn't see any 5" shields, but I did just find a 5" display that is supposedly powered via USB, on amazon.com. In this scenario, you are correct: the screen would be drawing power from the 5v bus provided by the USB hub on the RasPi.
> Also the reason we choose the b+ over the a one is that the proccessing power and the graphics.
As far as I know, the only major difference in the A and B are:
Depending on what all you are trying to run on RetroPie, the A might be easier on your battery.
> Your project also sounds interesting, ive heard of similar projects with the arduino. But what kind of battery where you using and how much battery time would you get from it?
Here's a link of some stuff I've done. I haven't finalized my battery yet. In testing, with an OLLLLD 2000mAh battery I was getting about 2 hours of runtime. This battery had lost quite a bit of capacity over time.