Aye aye lad.
Thanks alot.
I don't think theres an issue with svchost, it happens usually with windows defender/malware stuff hosts that takes alot of usage.
I'm pretty sure those are the only svhosts that takes alot of usage on the disk in certain times, which seems quite reasonable.
So what i ment is that its odd that the disk usage went up to 100% just from google chrome and a svhost :P
Anyways, hopefully i'll soon order an SSD from Amazon.
You say Sandisk Ultra (no mark, just "Ultra") should do the job? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071KGRXRH/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Generally, the main thing which would sit on this SSD is windows, Adobe Premiere/After Effects(Maybe photoshop, i'm not so sure if a program like that really needs an SSD.) and probably a game or two. Eventually, Adobe's less than 10gb, the games are about 30-40gb. Alongside Windows, i'll probably make it to 90~100 used space, should have enough for extras :D
Anyways, thanks again lad, you are a true savior of pc's.
Are laptop/desktop hard drive enclosures different? Is there also any advantage to buying one that’s already enclosed?
Edit like this: SanDisk 250GB Ultra 3D NAND SATA III SSD - 2.5-inch Solid State Drive - SDSSDH3-250G-G25 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KGRXRH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_5eSbBb9PSB6DN
And what enclosure?
It seems like it has 4GB of ram, another 4GB should be Maybe $40-$70. Someone said it can take 8GB total max. 4GB is very little.
It has 500GB HDD, a good 240GB SSD is $75, i doubt you’ll need the entire 500GB for chrome etc.
SanDisk 250GB Ultra 3D NAND SATA III SSD - 2.5-inch Solid State Drive - SDSSDH3-250G-G25 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KGRXRH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_TCHOAbGY7ADX0
Could make it seem brand new with a windows reinstall and $120
This is the one I use. SanDisk Ultra 3D NAND 250GB, selling for $52.99 right now on Amazon. Paired with the Sabrent Tool-free external hard drive enclosure, selling for $9.99 right now on Amazon.
When I first got an SSD to pair with the Xbox One, it was this one:
This one is on sale right now for $39.99:
Had that inside of this enclosure:
<$60 from Amazon. Installed the 500GB version of this in my PS4 a couple months ago and it’s been great.
Sabrent 2.5-Inch SATA to USB 3.0 Tool-free External Hard Drive Enclosure [Optimized For SSD, Support UASP SATA III] Black (EC-UASP) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OJ3UJ2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_D1bjBb57T306M
Alt. SSD: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071KGRXRH/
Alt. card: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KU2CIIY/
On sale right now.
Yes, this one: https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-250GB-Ultra-NAND-SATA/dp/B071KGRXRH/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1516248030&sr=8-7
Also, WD (which owns Sandisk) sells the same drive with their brand on it: https://www.amazon.com/Blue-NAND-250GB-SSD-WDS250G2B0A/dp/B073SB2MXW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1516248713&sr=8-5
The best SSD for just under the 100usd price point would be the SanDisk 250GB Ultra 3D NAND, here a link for it on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-250GB-Ultra-NAND-SATA/dp/B071KGRXRH/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1506458917&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=ssd&refinements=p_36%3A1253505011&psc=1 Other option would b for about th same price Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD, https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-2-5-Inch-Internal-MZ-75E250B-AM/dp/B00OAJ412U/ref=sr_1_3?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1506458917&sr=1-3&keywords=ssd&refinements=p_36%3A1253505011, which fair about the same as the sandisk one so either one is good for their respective capacities. I hope that Helped, From Dan.
The Deepcool GAMMAXX GT is a 150W cpu cooler, only for very moderate OC.
SSD: SanDisk Ultra 3D if you want a SanDisk SSD.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant