Holy shit!
That's Daniel Kibblesmith, author of the book "Santa's husband" where Santa Claus is a black man married to a white guy Amazon link.
According to imdb he is also a writer for Stephen Colbert's current show. You can't make that stuff up.
He literally wrote the book on it. It's called "Santa's Husband": https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062748742/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_843S4T6B6Z4WJVSR2JD8
It's a harmless, cute story that celebrates individualism. We read it to our son at Christmas time because, as it's been mentioned in previous comments...Santa isn't real so who is anyone to tell you what he is or isn't.
Anyone who is up in arms about seeing a black or gay (or both) Santa, you're the main reason we bought this book in the first place. To make sure our kids don't wind up like you.
Omg, are The Who this book is based on?! Santa's Husband https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0062748742/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.VfoFbTMTRK3M
https://www.amazon.com/Santas-Husband-Daniel-Kibblesmith/dp/0062748742. I think it’s funny either way, I don’t think this is satire.
Looking into it, it doesn't seem that bad outside of the generic and obvious names. I mean really 'Snowflake' and 'Safespace', who are their enemies 'Boomer' and 'Ben Shapiro'. Daniel Kibblesmith also wrote Santa's Husband
This dude made a book about this tweet because people got so mad about this tweet.
He actually wrote a children’s book based on this tweet: https://www.amazon.com/Santas-Husband-Daniel-Kibblesmith/dp/0062748742/ref=nodl_
My daughter loves this book, which is what he's referencing.
This isn’t just a meme https://www.amazon.com/Santas-Husband-Daniel-Kibblesmith/dp/0062748742
Depending on how inclusive your bookshelf is/you’d like it to be: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062748742/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_cjlQFbZX4G1QQ
Sadly i am not kidding. It's called Santa's Husband
Nope, santa's husband
Well what the hell is coca-cola going to do now that Santa has a husband!!!
So according to the New York times the author of this article is married to Daniel Kibblesmith, who is the author of the book "Santa's husband" where Santa Claus is a black man married to a white guy (Amazon link).
According to imdb he is also a director and writer for Stephen Colbert's current show. You can't make that stuff up.