Op, what you need to do it use this suede and/or nubuck shampoo Saphir shampoo this should help lift off the dirt, wax, and grim. I would use all of the bottle and scrub really hard to try and get the wax out. The rugged and resilient line of boots do not require wax which I am confident you are aware now. You could find Trenton & Heath on YouTube and ask them what you should do. I haven’t seen them work on this kinda stuff before but they can fix just about anything and everything. If you do get the shampoo I would recommend cleaning the entire boot not just the spot or you’ll likely make it worse. I wish you the best of luck! If that doesn’t work you can fix it by coating your entire boot with the wax. It won’t look the same and texture would be different but at least everything will look uniform as a last ditch effort to saving these boots.
use this. I’m sorry but I saw no one was really offering you any help. You can try the link I attached. I had a stain on my Arizona Adobe Captains by Thursdays and I also have a pair of timbs just like yours and I’ve gotten stains on both of them and this gets them out for the most part. You’ll have to apply it to the entire boot so you won’t have a water mark after the stuff dries out. It worked for me but try at your own risk or not but that’s my suggestion. Good luck!
Idk, I’m not familiar with that leather. Saphir makes this suede cleaner that works for regular suede. For this specific question and leather I would recommend posting in the r/Goodyearwelt daily questions thread.
For suede, get a spray waterproofer (I like Allen Edmonds but there's lots out there), a suede brush, and suede eraser. You can also use suede shampoo if things get really bad, but that should be pretty rare.
For plain leather shoes, you're going to want a leather conditioner (I like Lexol, personally, but Saphir Renovateur is another popular one) and a good horsehair brush. I don't think a separate leather cleaner is needed very often but Lexol also makes one if you do need it. If we're talking calfskin dress shoes you'll also want some polish. I typically use both cream and wax polish, since I find cream better for keeping color consistent but wax better for bringing out a mirror shine. Meltonian makes nice cream polishes in a very wide array of colors and I prefer Lincoln for my wax polishes. If you're trying to restore a shoe that you've gotten used that has years of built up wax on it, you might want to consider looking at Saphir Renomat to strip it off. That should only be done sparingly, though. You might also want to look at edge dressing for nice dress shoes.
Use this to clean suede whenever it's dirty or has stains, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002NOPJ9S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1, then after it dries use this to protect it, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004O6T2I2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You shouldn't need to use the shampoo very often if you're using the protectant spray and depending on how much you wear the suede boots you may need to reapply the spray every so often. A suede brush is also good for getting out small marks that the shampoo may be overkill for.
In general regards to suede, if a Suede eraser and brush don't do anything I would recommend trying some Saphir Omnidain suede shampoo, and when it dries finish it up with some Saphir Medaile D'or to restore the dye. Try to buy the spray that matches the color of the shoes best. If nothing is a good match use the neutral.
You need suede shampoo for a deep clean.
This is the best stuff
I wouldn’t do that. Maybe look into Sophir? Maybe this?
Try suede shampoo.
You're going to need suede shampoo. Should be fine after though.
Typically you'd want to use some suede shampoo on them. Although that usually applies more to dress shoes than sneakers. Here is a good video on how to use it.